Alien Agenda

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On the city rooftops, Kuro was on patrol with the Shadow soldiers as they were scanning the areas on their search for the K-5.

"Alright, the K-5 have been spotted in this neighborhood, so stay alert at any cost no matter what surprise they throw at us." Kuro ordered.

Kuro suddenly heard shouting coming from the alley not too far from where he's standing. He moved to the next rooftop and looked down from the building to see the K-5 fighting against the alien robots. The Shadow Ninjas were about to make a move, but Kuro held up his hand to halt them from their position.

"Why in the world they are fighting robots?" Kuro questioned.

Kuro then watched Kirana releasing scythe-like blades of water at the Kraang droid, slicing the alien robot cleanly enough for the pink alien creature to crawl out of the battered robot body.

"Whoa, this city just got a lot more interesting." Kuro said.

Kirana looked up and saw Kuro from above. She gave him a friendly smile and took off to take out the rest of the alien robots with water blades. Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra were completely confused on their oldest sister as they have no clue why she was taking on the Kraang droids on her own. Kirana finished the last Kraang droid with one more water blade and glanced up at Kuro with a cocky grin. Camilla and Ezra quickly noticed Kirana's smile and looked up to watch Kuro and the Shadow Ninjas disappear from sight.

"Uh, Kirana, what the heck was that?" Ariana asked.

"We didn't get our chance to finish them off too!" Talia said.

"Is there an actual reason why you were showing off, Kirana?" Ezra asked Kirana.

"No." Kirana said. "I was just trying to finish up the Kraang, that's all."

"You sure?" Camilla asked.

"Yes, I'm sure." Kirana agreed.

Camilla and Kirana stared at each other with serious faces, leaving Ariana and Talia wonder what were they really talking about while Ezra wondered how Kuro will be a bad idea.


At the Shadow Clan HQ, Donna was performing her techno magic to create a black metallic belt for Sapphire that will allow her to maintain her ghostly mutant form. Inque was watching the techno mystic doing her work in boredom. Lady Shade was witnessing the metallic belt with pleasing eyes, knowing that Donna's expertise in robotics can lead the Shadow Clan to ultimate success.

Just then, Kuro walked through the doors into the throne room and marched closer to Lady Shade.

"Mother, you won't believe what I've saw." Kuro called with a slightly shock face. "The K-5 have been spotted in the alley. But they were fighting some robotic droids with slimy, brain-squids inside."

"Do not let everything else in this city distracts you." Lady Shade said. "Your primary mission is to destroy them in sight and track down Sage."

"Are you kidding me?" Kuro exclaimed. "Mother, something's weird is going on in this city. First, your own henchwomen got turned into Halloween freaks and now there's alien robots out there that only the K-5 know about! But if you don't find some way to let go that stupid grudge of yours, I might have to find out about those robots on my own. And that's not a threat, that's a promise. I'd rather fight those robots than listening to your annoying vendetta!"

"Enough, Kuro! You will do no such thing and say no more words!" Lady Shade answered sternly. She stepped forward close to Kuro, who was looking down to the floor with a frown. "You haven't forgotten what Shiroibara Sage did to all of us in this clan, did you?"

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