Invasion Of The Punkz Catz

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In the living room, Talia was watching an episode of Fujita Des Cartes with Pink Hallow. She was unknowingly trashing up the place when she tried out some acrobatic moves with her pet, but unfortunately her whole family strolled to the living room entrance and crowded around the place as they watched the orange mage kunoichi destroying everything in sight.

"Talia!" Kirana spoke.

Talia stopped wrestling with Pink Hallow and turned around to see her family standing behind her in surprise.

"What have you done?" Kirana asked sternly.

"Uh, hey guys." Talia said, trying to make up a quick excuse. "This isn't what it looks like. I was...uh...studying circus acrobatic techniques."

"You trashed the place!" Mūn yelled.

"But I was having some fun." Talia said.

"This is the third time you've messed the place up in a week!" Kirana snapped back.

"Clean this room up now!" Camilla yelled, stomping over to Talia and shoved a broom to her chest. She looked down at Pink Hallow, who was clinging onto Talia's leg. "And as for you!" She grabbed Pink Hallow and walked over to the freezer to throw him back in there. "And stay there!" She stomped out of the kitchen and directed her attention towards Talia with a glare. "That living room better be spotless by the time we get back! Some kunoichi you turn out to be! You're just one big screw up!"

Camilla angrily opened the front door and stomped out of the house. Kirana, Ariana, and Mūn followed the red mage kunoichi. Ezra, Norbit, Coral and San gave Talia calm smiles before walking out of the house. After quick seconds of cleaning up the house with her supersonic speed, Talia sat on the couch as if a strong negative effect was starting to take over her.

"I'm such a problem for them? Fine! I was just having fun." Talia complained to herself. That's when she made her decision. "But I'm not gonna stay where I'm not wanted."

Talia sped her way to the kitchen and opened the fridge to give Pink Hallow a soft smile.

"Pink Hallow, tell the others I'm running away. I'll walk back to New York if I have to." Talia said.

Pink Hallow whimpered as if he was telling Talia that she can't leave.

"I'm sorry, my little friend." Talia reassured sadly. "Aunt Coral will take care of you."

Pink Hallow understood as he gave Talia a soft hug before Talia closed the fridge and ran away from her aunt's house straight into the forest.


A little while later, Ezra and Norbit walked in with an apology cake for Talia.

"Hey, sis? Norbit and I made you something to get better." Ezra said as he and Norbit entered the house.

"I do not see Talia. Perhaps she has gone upstairs." Norbit said after he scanned the living room.

Ezra went to the stairs and looked up.

"Talia?" Ezra called.

Ezra looked in her bedroom and didn't see her anywhere.

Norbit walked in the kitchen and Pink Hallow opened the freezer to tell Norbit that Talia ran away!

"Oh no. I will let Ezra know about Talia's departure. Thank you, Pink Hallow." Norbit said before he pet Pink Hallow and the freezer door closed.

Norbit walked back in the living room as Ezra walked down the stairs.

"I'm afraid Talia has run away." Norbit said.

"Oh, no. She must've gone into the woods. Norbit, come on. We gotta find her." Ezra said, in worry.

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