Chapter 50 Snatch This Familiar Looking Maid

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The maid approached Shui Ruolan to pay her her respect and thereafter stood quietly with her head still bowed. The people around started nodding their heads in approval as they could see her good manners and was suitable to be a maid taking a leading role.

"What's your name?" asked Shui Ruolan gently after sizing her up.

"I'm Liu Xue."

"How old are you?"


"Do you miss home?"

"Yes!" she answered with ease, although from her voice, one could sense the grievance of a little girl being sold by her own family. Which little child would not feel grieved being sold by her own family?

Qin Wanru looked down to see that Liu Xue was trying to cover her arms with her sleeves. The clothes she was wearing was distributed by Old Maid Ya to all the maids working in the courtyard, so they were all the same. However, the dress looked a little too short for Liu Xue, so much so that when she was moving her arms, a part of them were exposed and Qin Wanru could see some scars and well as fresh wounds on them.

However her arms were quickly covered up by her sleeves as she moved, so one would not be able to notice those wounds if he did not look carefully.

"Then..." Shui Ruolan really liked Liu Xue, thinking that she would make a good personal maid for Qin Wanru. When she was about to confirm her choice, suddenly there was a voice that came from outside. As she lifted her gaze, she saw Qin Yuru approaching with a few maids and old servants. Shui Ruolan's face fell at the sight of them.

Qin Yuru's face was covered with a piece of veil to hide her bruises to keep out the dust from contaminating the wounds, leaving only her eyes visible. She was also holding her right arm with her left arm.

Once Qin Yuru entered, she paid her respects to Shui Ruolan by bowing slightly to her and said, "Aunt Shui, I'm not feeling very well, so I can't bow to you completely, please do forgive me."

"Don't worry about it, Yuru. How is your injury... is it getting better?" asked Shui Ruolan gently and she rested her eyes on the wounds of Qin Yuru's right arm.

"It's getting better," said Qin Yuru bitterly, as she looked down.

"It's alright, get the servants to help you take care of the wounds to make sure they don't leave any scars," said Shui Ruolan in an attempt to comfort her.

"Thank you, Aunt Shui," responded Qin Yuru politely, who then turned to Qin Wanru and said, "Younger sister Wanru, can I also choose a few maids for myself? I didn't use to feel that it was shorthanded at my courtyard in the past, but now that I've injured my arm and realized that we need more people in my courtyard."

"Please take your pick, Big Sister!" replied Qin Wanru with a smile.

Surprisingly Qin Yuru was acting exceptionally polite towards Qin Wanru today as if all the awkwardness between them was gone. After the many unhappy events which happened between them, they could not turn back their relationship. For this reason, Qin Wanru could not help but suspected that Qin Yuru must have something up her sleeve, although she had no idea what it was.

"Have you taken your pick, little sister?" asked Qin Yuru with a smile and flitting eyes.

"Not really, but you can pick first, elder sister!" replied Wanru, shaking her head.

"How about this one?" Qin Yuru asked, as she turned to look at Liu Xue with interest.

A frown appeared on Shui Ruolan's face as she was irritated by the way Qin Yuru conducted herself in an overbearing way, but she was in no position to criticize her.

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