Chapter 121 The Difficult Situation Set by the Marquises' ...

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Chapter 121 The Difficult Situation Set by the Marquises' Mansion of Fengyang

"Huai, is the thing really related to the Marquis of Fengyang?" In the room lit up by candlelight, Old Grandma had not slept yet, frowning and sitting in the chair.

"Yes, the thing is now in the hands of the Marquis of Fengyang, and the Ministry of Personnel cannot give me any tasks temporarily." Qin Huaiyong remained silent for a moment, his eyes looking very tired.

Being a newcomer in the capital, he was not familiar with everything yet. The most annoying part was that he had arrived in the capital as ordered, but the specific tasks for him had not been decided yet. It was said that his work arrangement was being reviewed by the Marquis of Fengyang. As for how long it would take, it was hard to tell.

"So, you will have to follow Mrs. Qin to attend the banquet of the Marquises' Mansion of Fengyang?" Old Grandma was a wise woman, and she became clear about his son's idea after hearing what he said.

"Mother, now this is my only choice," Qin Huaiyong said, feeling guilty of himself.

"Will Ruolan go or not?" Thinking about it, Old Grandma asked, her eyes with somewhat coldness in the candlelight.

"She had better go in case Mrs. Qin makes new trouble, which can always be connected to the Marquises' Mansion of Fengyang and I will have to visit the mansion myself." Qin Huaiyong became even more guilty. As of now, he had seen through Mrs. Qin, but he also knew that some things that he could do in Jiangzhou could not be done in the capital.

Even though he sent the evidence of Mrs. Qin's crime, some witnesses, and testimonies to Duke Yong's Mansion, they would not admit what she had done, would even firmly held that others accused her only with an evil wish to frame her, would defend her by claiming that she was so kind and couldn't have done a thing like that, and would say that the witnesses must have been bribed and the testimonies must be fake.

As for the shameless actions of Duke Yong's Mansion, Qin Huaiyong was extremely angry. He even considered publicizing the witnesses and testimonies out of anger, but the Duke Yong's Mansion also insincerely said that although Mrs. Qin had been wrongly accused, they were still reasonable. They had also approved of the position of Shui Ruolan, hoping his two wives could get along well with each other in the future.

They would not meddle in the family affairs that happened in the backyard, and Qin Huaiyong could deal with them himself!

Of course, they had been reminding Qin Huaiyong not to forget that Mrs. Qin was his lawful wife and had given birth to a daughter for him, and they also said that they were willing to build marriage ties with Qin's mansion.

But if something bad happened to Madam Di, they would be sad and surely unwilling to build such ties.

Their words were with lures and threats. Qin Huaiyong knew what they meant. He was angry, but he could not do anything. Currently, he had no support or relations in the capital, and the evil action Mrs. Qin had done happened in Jiangzhou. Now, it was probable to be falsely countercharged by Duke Yong's Mansion. Therefore, he had to release Mrs. Qin.

On the other hand, it was certainly also because of Qin Yuru.

Anyway, Qin Yuru was his only daughter, and he did it also because he thought about her future.

"If Ruolan goes, will Mrs. Qin miss the chance to humiliate her?" Old Grandma retorted coldly, her eyes staring at him unhappily. She felt very disappointed.

"This... if she doesn't go, I can't predict when Mrs. Qin will connect us to the Marquis of Fengyang again." Qin Huaiyong heaved a sigh, feeling quite annoyed, and said, "If I had known the situation is like this today, I would not have brought her to the capital and would have sent her to her hometown, and these unexpected problems could have been avoided."

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