Chapter 85 The Troublemaker Qu Le

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Chapter 85 The Troublemaker Qu Le

The wedding feast went through smoothly, and Madam Di didn't make any troubles while everyone thought she would deliver some accidents this time. However, she was found nowhere, and it was said that she was sick.

Indeed, few people believed her pretext of "getting sick", and there were well-informed ones said she was not sick but grounded.

After the wedding ceremony of Shui Ruolan, Qin Wanru and Old Grandma returned to Jingxin Monastery.

Old Grandma required to take a good rest, and Qin Wanru volunteered to serve her. Therefore, from now on, Shui Ruolan was taking everything in control in the mansion.

There were not many cart drivers in the mansion, and all of them were involved in the accident this time. So she changed several of them, and after they went back to the mountain, Qin Wanru took more girl servants with her.

Naturally, Qing Yue was following them and a new second-level girl servant called Qu Le and another two little girl servants. They had more servants than last time.

When they arrived in Jingxin Monastery, and they remained living in the room they lived before. Initially, they were only planning to get down the mountain and anchor the wedding ceremony for General's Mansion. Old Grandma and Qin Wanru left many of their belongings in Jingxin Monastery, so it was unnecessary for them to carry too much luggage.

Qin Wanru took leisure time on the mountain for the next half month.

Old Grandma's health condition was recovering gradually, and Qin Wanru's medical skills were improving dramatically. Relying on her previous life's foundation in medicine, she forged ahead with strong momentum, and her techniques in acupuncture were developing fast as well. Her progress made Mingqiu Nun exclaimed that she adopted an excellent student for herself because Qin Wanru was so talented in learning medicine!

She was taking her medical learning very seriously. When people down the mountain visited Jingxin Monastery for medical care, Qin Wanru would sit beside her in the room and observed Jingxin Monastery master's treatment and prescriptions.

"Miss, Qu Le sneaked out to meet someone again!" Under the lamp, Qin Wanru was reading her medicine book carefully, but Qing Yue came in and whispered to her.

"How many times this month?" Qin Wanru looked at the shadow of the lamp and asked.

Qing Yue understood her intention, "this is the third time, and I have followed your order and warned her several times."

"Since then, you take her here!" A coldness was flashing in Qin Wanru's eyes. Even Madam Di didn't expect the emergence of Qu Le. Therefore, Madam Di was asking to take Qu Le by her side for many times. But Madam Di couldn't even protect herself so that she couldn't help Qu Le neither.

Qing Yue nodded her head and took Qu Le with her after a second.

Qu Le kneeled in front of Qin Wanru immediately once she stepped into the room, "Second Miss, I... I am just missing my mother so much, and I didn't do anything bad."

She finished her sentence and burst out crying. "There is really nothing, please forgive me Second Miss ."

"Qu Le, I told you last time. After you came into the mansion, you belong to General's Mansion because you were sold to serve here. You need to cut off all the connections with the people you knew before, even if you wanted to visit anyone, you need to tell miss and earned the permission from the miss, then you're allowed to meet it. However, you sneaked out to meet someone, have you ever taken your miss seriously?"

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