Chapter 89 It's not Done, You Still Owe Me a Lot!!

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"What?" After she finished her sentence, it was silence for a long time, and Chu Liuchen finally gave her this question.

"The Fragrance of July!" Qin Wanru got relaxed. If it was easily to deal with once he started to talk. Smiling to his back, she gave him this term.

One day when she was looking through a medical book, and she felt something was familiar. After she thought for a while, an idea came upon to her. She remembered Queen was in poor condition as she had the syndrome of coughing blood, and one of the ingredients that were frequently used was The Fragrance of July.

Because of the soil and environment in the capital city, no The Fragrance of July was cultivated there, but it could adapt to the climate of Jiangzhou. However, there were still some The Fragrance of Julies could be found here, so they were precious and were short of need every year!

"What do you mean?" Chu Liuchen turned his head around and sat up slightly, and Qin Wanru put a cushion behind his back to support him sit up immediately.

Qin Wanru didn't feel weird about his response. In her last life, she has heard that the Queen adored this grandchild a lot, and she loved him much more than all the rest of the princes. Because of her cherish, Prince Chen, who could be considered as the one got removed from the title of Prince, was arrogant in the palace.

No one dared to make him angry.

He had an excellent relationship with the Queen for sure.

The bowl was not burning hot now, so Qin Wanru passed it to Chu Liuchen with her beautiful eyes blinking. Her view then located on the bowl from his face and blinked again, indicating him to drink it!

It was bitter and suffocating, definitely not tasty. Qin Wanru felt it disgusting, so she leaned backward as she disliked drinking any medicine bitter like this.

She was then patted gently on her head, not knowing whether her words worked or her dislike look played a role in it, Chu Liuchen accepted the bowl and drank until the last drop.

After he finished, he passed the bowl back to Qin Wanru, patting on her head again and squinted at her, "so useless!"

Qin Wanru took the bowl and put it aside. She pursed her lips in dark corner, as it was him who played a temper and refused to drink medicine. Qin Wanru, younger than him had to coax him. And now it was shameless for him to define her as a useless person.

"Did you find any old The Fragrance of July?" Chu Liuchen robbed the handkerchief in Qin Wanru's hand and wiped his mouth. Throwing the handkerchief back to Qin Wanru, he wore a natural expression as if the handkerchief he just used belonged to him.

He was really arrogant and had a weird temper!

Speechlessly, Qin Wanru stared at the stained handkerchief, she rubbed it in her hand, pretending that she didn't see anything. She nodded her head, "I find perfect The Fragrance of July!"

The longer the medicine got stored, the better it worked as an ingrediant!

She had no idea why Chu Liuchen emerged in Jiangzhou somehow, and The Fragrance of July was one of his purposes in this journey.

"Where is it, and how much do you have?" Chu Liuchen asked.

"I have about five straws, which were about a hundred years old." Qin Wanru smiled and said.

"Where is it?"

"They're some in Jingxin Monastery!" Qin Wanru didn't hide the truth, and they were gifts of Jingxin Monastery master who gave them to Qin Wanru to show her affection towards the younger generation. However, they were still stored in the hands of Jingxin Monastery master.

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