Chapter 139 Did He Know Her?

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Nanny Dong came with two men.

The man walking in front was an old man who seemed to be a steward and the other man walking behind was a young gentleman wearing in white with a handsome face and a bamboo-like towering figure. The most striking thing about him was his smiling eyes, showing his innate elegance and kindness.

However, it somehow seemed that he could not be despised!

Different with Chu Liuchen's occasionally harmless elegance, this gentleman seemed to be more carefree and much more peaceful in mind.

It seemed that his smiling eyes could warm their hearts.

In Qin Wanru's last life, he had given her numerous great moments of warmth but it was also because of him that she became a widow and was evicted by Deputy Prime Minister's Chambers at the end.

If Qi Baiyu had not recommended her to be a royal painter to paint for the emperor's harems, she could have avoided her tragedy that she could go back to her maiden home, and would not be evicted by her husband's family and tramp the streets at the end.

But even so, Qin Wanru was grateful to him because he treated her well during his last few months. He taught her medical skills, taught her how to raise a domestic swallow, taught her how to untie the knot in her mind, and taught her how to smile...

However, all had gone since he died!

A trace of warm radiance came with his appearance and vanished with his death. Later, she was expelled from Deputy Prime Minister's Chambers tragically. As for why she was evicted, she could not remember it. Something seemed to cover up her memory of her last life, which made her could not recall all details. But she seemed to be scolded because of her color.

She put her hand over her head subconsciously. She had a dull headache, making her uncomfortable!

She quite appreciated him and wished she could have saved him before he suffered from an illness. This also was her origin intention to learn medical skills!

This man was her teacher and her friend in her last life and how could she not be excited to meet her again in her present life!

"Excuse me, are you the lady who wants to buy my shop?" asked Wen Xichi with a gentle smile, standing in front of Qin Wanru. Although a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, he still asked with a smile very politely. He didn't look down upon Qin Wanru because of her age. He glanced at her pretty face calmly with a sense of alienation.

Trying her best to calm her mind, Qin Wanru stood up and bowed deeply to Wen Xichi deferentially. She raised her head and showed her sweet smile in her face. That was a very bright smile!

"Yes, I am!"

"Please have a seat!" said Wen Xichi. He looked at Qin Wanru curiously from head to foot and then reached out hand politely with a smile. She looked very young but calm. Although her face was pale, her pretty face with fresh rouged lips amazed him.

He could imagine how beautiful this girl would be when she grew up!

Moreover, she was so perfect that her tiny peak of brow revealed a kind of natural charm. Although she had such a beautiful face, she behaved politely and soberly. He could tell that she came from an aristocratic family with perfect breeding.

Her smile was so bright that there was no scheming trick, which made people like her. Wen Xichi, Deputy Prime Minister's youngest son who had seen many ladies from aristocratic families before, had never seen such a charming lady like Qin Wanru before.

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