Chapter 114 The Goodwill of Great Elder Princess

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Chapter 114 The Goodwill of Great Elder Princess

"Huaguang Temple is indeed very famous. When I was in Jiangzhou, I've heard people talk about it more than once. It is worth visiting!" On hearing her words, Old Grandma, who believed in Buddhism, nodded repeatedly.

"Is Grandma going with us?" Qin Wanru took the chance to ask.

"I'm not going this time. There are so many things in the mansion, and many of them have not been handled well. Zhuozhuo and Ruolan can visit it first. When I have time later, you can accompany me to visit again." Old Grandma said with a smile.

"Mother, I'm not going either. The mansion is in a mess, and many things need to be put in order." Shui Ruolan originally wanted to go. She liked quiet places, and Huaguang Temple was tremendously famous. "Mother, you can go for a visit with Wanru. I will go next time when I find a chance!"

Qin Huaiyong had already said that she was in charge of the affairs in the backyard. At this moment, the mansion was in a mess, and many things had not been handled. It was not a good time to go out for a visit.

"This..." Old Grandma hesitated. She also thought that it was not the best time for Shui Ruolan to go out for a visit.

"Grandma, mother and I just intend to go there and walk around for a while, and we will not stay for a long time. I have already inquired about it. It takes us an hour at most for a round trip. We can set out early and come back early. We may be able to come back before lunchtime. It won't take much time."

Qin Wanru pleaded aside.

If it was so close, it wouldn't take much time indeed. Looking at her granddaughter's eager face, Old Grandma was convinced and said to Shui Ruolan with a smile, "Ruolan, just take her there for a visit, or this little monkey will be restless. Set out early and come back early. When you are really in charge of the affairs later, it won't be so convenient for you to go out!"

Old Grandma's words were very meaningful. Shui Ruolan thought that it was true. They had just arrived in the capital city. When she officially took charge of the affairs later, she wouldn't be able to go out. Besides, winter had set in, and it would be the Spring Festival after a period. At that time, with more affairs like sending presents, she wouldn't be able to snatch even a relaxing moment.

She had better snatch half a day of leisure when Old Grandma put things in order.

At the thought of this, Shui Ruolan was convinced. "Then... Mother, Wanru and I will set out and come back soon."

"Tomorrow I'm going to meet some old supervisors and ask about some old affairs. It's okay for you two to stay there for longer!" Old Grandma said with a smile.

They talked and laughed, leaving Madam Di and her daughter aside.

Madam Di originally intended to come over to put on airs in front of everyone and then show her goodwill towards Qin Wanru. Thus, she could make everyone under her control with both gentle and tough means. However, she gnashed her teeth in anger at the moment.

Holding back the hatred in her heart, she forced a peaceful smile and said, "Mother, Yuru and I want to visit the Duke Yong's Mansion. Since we moved to the capital, I haven't seen my father and mother yet!"

"You can go, too!" Old Grandma nodded.

"Is the general going with me?" Madam Di said again.

"Naturally he is going. Prepare gifts later and go to the Duke Yong's Mansion with Huai tomorrow!" After thinking for a moment, Old Grandma said.

"Yes, mother. However, I haven't returned to the capital for many years. Do you think these gifts a little meager?" Madam Di pretentiously took out a gift list and came over to hand it to Old Grandma.

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