Chapter 87

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Eva's POV

I let out a yelp, and sit up quickly. I look around expecting damp floors, a dark room with only a sliver of light from the sun, and the presence of two other broken people. Instead, I'm in a bright, clean room on top of a bed. There's a small dresser, a baby's crib, and a rocking chair in the corner with Luna rocking in it.

"Oh good," Luna says without looking up from the children's book she's reading. "You're up. That means it's time for your potions." I groan and lie back down on the bed.

"Are they the same as...the ones before," I pause, not knowing how to properly refer to our cage.

"Yep! Now, you have to take three right now," she ignores my groan of disgust, "and then one every six hours. Fleur said that it should only take a month for you to regain your strength. Mentally and physically."

She hands me one of the vials, before a loud crash downstairs occurs. "What's that?"

"I don't know," she shrugs, not meeting my eye. "Now drink up!" I down each vial, trying my best not to throw it each time.

"Will...that bring all my memories back?" I ask hopefully.

"I'm sorry, Eva. It can bring back a few, but the ones that are lost..." I look away from Luna, willing myself not to cry. "But, we can you just remind you of things. I'm sure it's only little things you've forgotten. you know who your boyfriend is?"

"Fred and I aren't dating anymore. He probably thinks I'm a traitorous Death Eater."

Luna just ignores the last part. "Good! Now do you know who his twin is?"

"Er..." I search my mind. I could remember all the instances with the two redheaded twins and the pranks they pulled, but I just couldn't remember his name. "G-ginny?" It sounded right.

"That's his sister. It's George, remember."

"That's what I meant."

"How about your dad-"

"Of course, I remember that. There was John, who I thought was my dad for most of my life, and then I murdered him-because Merlin forbid I forget that memory." Luna didn't blink at all. "Then there's Sirius, who was my dad until Bellatrix murdered him, and yes of course I also remember that. There's also Remus, who is now my current father figure."

"Good!" Luna says chirpily, ignoring my sarcasm. "How about Kala?"

"That's easy, we became friends in first year, and she's dating Lauren-I mean...Laurie! That's it." I grin towards Luna, feeling proud that I could still remember so much but her frown makes it all fall.

" became friends with her in fourth year, and Kala and I are dating."

"Oh. I-I'm sorry."

"No, no it's okay. Well try some more things tomorrow. Why don't we-" Another loud crash came from downstairs and both Luna and I jump.

"Should we go see what that was?"

"Are you able to get out of bed?"

"I'll be fine," I wave her off, but Luna ignores me and comes to my side. "I'm fine, Luna. You were imprisioned too." I stumble forward into the wall, causing two necklaces to tumble out of my clean shirt. Apparently, someone had changed me out of my nasty rags.

"You still have them," she mummers. I don't have remember when I got the necklaces to know who they were from. The Black family crest, given by Sirius obviously. Bottle cap necklaces-the quirky work of Luna, and a promise ring on a chain. I couldn't find the moment that it had been given to me, but my gut was saying it was Kala. "Come on then."

Luna let me lean on her as we slowly made our down the steep stairs of the clean, salt smelling house. As we got lower, the sound of two people arguing became obvious.

"-you're being immature! Stop thinking about yourself for one second and think of her-"

"I haven't seen her in almost a year! A YEAR!" Something about the voice was familiar in a calming and painful way at the exact same time.

"Eva!" A young woman, very pale and beautiful, stepped in front of us. Her hair was blonder than Luna's-almost white-and her eyes were shining blue. I got another painstakingly stab of familiarness with the woman. "Zou are up!"

"H-hello. Er-thank you for letting us stay here," I look at Luna for help. This beautiful woman obviously knew me, but I couldn't place her.

"This is Fleur Delacour. She was in the Triwizard Tournament with you, remember?" Luna says softly so only I can hear her.

"It's nice to see you again Fleur," I smile politely. A feeling of dread was making its way into my stomach. Who else would I not be able to remember?


"Zat would be Fred. I should go calm-"

"Fred?" I lean onto Luna again, teetering. He was here? "C-can I see him?" Fleur and Luna share a look before she nods.

"I will go tell 'em." Fleur disappeared into the other room, and Luna starts to move me into the kitchen.

"Sit. I'm going to make you some food. Merlin knows we both need it." I chuckle dryly at her joke, wringing my hands. Did he hate me? I helped kill Dumbledore. I continue to wring my hands over and over again, cursing the clock for ticking so slow. Finally, after an eternity of one minute and fifteen seconds the door swung back open.

But, instead of Fleur stood a tall redhead. A wave of relief washed over me as I scanned him. Everything about Fred was familiar. From his messy mop of curly hair to the small freckles splattered across his cheeks. I hadn't forgotten him. I hadn't forgotten any detail.


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