Chapter 90

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Eva's POV

The days repeat in a cycle. Wake up, go to breakfast, take my potion, go outside and practice spells with Fred, more potion, lunch, hang out with Luna, Kala, and Dean(who was a bit out of the circles here), more spell practice, dinner, potion, then sleep.

It only takes two weeks for it to get old. "Fred, can we go see Tonks and Remus? I never got to congratulate them on the wedding."

"Sorry love, but I don't think you're strong enough-"

"I'm fine, Fred! I've been taking my potion every six hours since I've got here. We practice attack and defense spells for hours each day!"

"Apparation is different though! could get hurt again, and I can't have that happen!"

"I can't stay here much longer, Fred! I-I feel trapped all over again, a-and I can't..." The anger wipes right off Fred's face, and he pulls me into a hug.

"I'm just scared for you, Ev."

"I know Fred, and I promise I'm not going anywhere. I-I just...I never got to go to their wedding." He strokes my hair, which was now down to my chest but in much better condition before.

"Well, Tonks is expecting any week now, so I'm sure they-"

I pull away quickly. "Did you saying in having a child?"


"Oh that's brilliant! Tonks always wanted to be a mother, and I know Remus will be a great father!"

"Dinner!" Bill calls from the cottage.

"Coming!" Fred yells back. He throws his arm around my shoulder and we start walking back. "If you want to leave, I'm sure Aunt Muriel will let us go to her-"

"Actually, I had another place in mind. I'll tell you later," I grin and break away from the redhead.

"Oh I get it, you want to be alone..." Fred wiggles his eyebrows suggestively and starts to chase me.

"Merlin, Fred you have such a dirty mind!" I laugh while running away from him and into the cottage.

"No running!" Fleur scolds as we enter the kitchen. "Now, everyone Mizter Ollivander will be leaving in a few days. So, make zhe most of your time with zim in our last days."

"Thank you, Miss Delacour," he the old wand maker whispers hoarsely. After a quiet dinner like always, everyone retired to their appointed rooms, or sleeping spaces. In the nursery like room, Kala and Luna were already on their bed talking in low voices.

"Oh, hello Eva and Fred," Luna interrupts Kala cheerfully. "You should know that Dean and I plan to go back to Hogwarts soon."

Kala shoots her a death glare which Luna fully ignores. "Luna-"

"I know Griphook, Harry, Ron, and Hermione plan on leaving soon too so you will have
much more space here."

"We might be leaving soon as well, but good luck at Hogwarts."

"No, no not good luck! Eva how can you be supporting this, after everything that's happening there!"

"What's happening-" but my question is drowned out by Luna and Kala furious whispers. "What's happening at Hogwarts?" I turn towards Fred.

He sighed looking sad. "Snape's headmaster, and there are two new Death Eater professors. Ginny said that they torture the students anytime they can."

I open my mouth to ask why Ginny was still at Hogwarts, I thought she graduated already, but I decide against it. Fred would never let us leave if he knew how messed up my memories were still. "That's horrible."

"I know. I'm just glad Mum and Dad got her out of there." He sighs again, glancing at the still arguing pair and then back to me. "So, where's this special place we're going to disappear to?"

"Well, I was old house."

"Ev, no." Fred says only raising his voice a little, but not too much to distract the other couple. "You had horrible memories in that house, h-he hurt you."

"Fred," I grab his hand and intertwine out fingers. "I'll be okay. It's been a long time since, I've been there...and well honestly, I've wanted to go back for a little while." I leave out the part where the memories of my house were still hazy, and unclear.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow," he leans forward and kisses my head. "Now come on, it's time to go to sleep." I climb in next to him, our bodies hanging off the twin bed like they did each night. "I love you."

"I love you too," I whisper back, looking at my best friends across the room who were now facing the opposite ways. I never thought I'd see the day where Luna and Kala were mad at each other. Then again I didn't really see any of this coming.

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