Chapter 9

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Eva's POV

If it wasn't the first day I would have skipped all my classes but with the help of Luna and our new roommate, Kala, they dragged me to the Great Hall.

"Eva come on get up."

"It's just going to get worse for you mate. The rumors will be worse if you don't show up," a beautiful black skinned girl with green eyes stated before leaving. I followed shortly after with my aching hand and worried best friend.

My new roommate had been right about the rumors being there. Many Ravenclaws shot my dirty looks while I got impressed looks from Slytherin.

"Is it true you viciously attacked someone Mudblood. I'm impressed," a blonde boy smirked at me from the table behind me.

"Wow you don't know how much that means to me Malfoy. I mean coming from the boy who was quivering all scared in my lap yesterday, it really means a lot." The sarcasm rolled off my tongue too easy. It seemed to quiet part of me was gone this year, replaced with someone I had always secretly wanted to be.

The ones around us listening snickered and Malfoy's comeback was cut off by Professor Flitwick handing me my timetable disappointingly.

"Fighting Miss Jackson? You have always been an exceptional student. I excepted more of you." I did my best to ignore his lecture and turned my attention to my classes. I had quite a full schedule with Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Herbology, Charms, Transfiguration, Divination and Muggle Studies. I need to be prepared for O.W.L.S next year.

"What do you have first?"

"Potions," Luna smiled at me like always.

"That's on the opposite side of the castle. Well I guess I'll see you after classes."

"But you didn't eat."

I tried to suppress the smile teasing at my lips. Luna was too sweet for me sometimes. "I'm not hungry. I've got to get to Defense Against the Dark Arts."

I arrived in the classroom to find my new roommate already sitting at a table and decided to join her.

"Hey sorry about being a bit of a git last night. And this morning. I'm-"

"I know who you are. Almost everyone does now because of your little "fight". Honestly they all are acting like they wouldn't have done the same. Laurie's become a bloody git since you two stopped being friends. And I'm Kala. Kala Johnson."

"Wait is Angelina your sister," I look at her closer, starting to see some similarities.

"Did you have to bring her up. Twat always brags about being a better Chaser. Honestly I am better but I don't work well with the ones on our team," she frowned a little while pulling out the textbook for the class.

"Well I'm not friends with her I just met her yesterday."

"Well good. If you see her maybe give her a punch too." Surprisingly I found myself laughing at her joke with her as Professor Lupin entered the class.

"Textbooks away. Today will be a practical lesson, you will only need your wands." He motioned us to move with him to the back of the classroom where there was a wardrobe.

"I decided to have you 4th years go first," I looked around realizing the class seemed to be Ravenclaw and Hufflepuffs, "I will need a demonstrator. Miss Jackson!" He beckoned me to front of the classroom while Kala shot me a smirk. "Can anyone tell me what's in here," I tuned out the Ravenclaw answering while looking at the shaking wardrobe in front of me.

"Good! 5 points to Ravenclaw. Now Miss Jackson do you know your worst fear?"

"I'm- I'm not sure sir."

"That's fine we'll have someone else go first and you can be next. Does anyone know for sure their fear?"

I watched as a Hufflepuff had the bogart turn to a dragon and then to a toy one. Professor Lupin beckoned me forward as the bogart started warp into my worst fear.

I felt like I couldn't breathe as I saw my father. It had been months since I saw him, since I felt him hit me or smelled the alcohol on his breath. I couldn't hear anything around me. The walls of the classroom felt like they were closing in on me. I couldn't hear as Professor Lupin told Kala to move me away or for the class to continue as he took me to the hallway as tears streamed down my pale face.

"Miss Jackson. Miss Jackson? Eva!" I finally snapped back into it to see Professor Lupin next to me on the floor, chocolate bar in hand.

"Eat. It will help." I took the candy but didn't make an attempt to open it. "I'm assuming that was your father." He continued without waiting for my answer. "You seem like a tough girl Eva. If I may ask you still live with him? Or have any other family members?"

The question was like becoming sober again. "No. Dumbledore moved me in with another family this summer."

He just nods and gets up, leaving me to my thoughts.

Thank you all for over 100 reads! School is getting a little busier but I'll try to keep posting at least once a week

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