Chapter 10

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Eva's POV

I did my best to avoid everyone except Kala and Luna for the next few days. Ever since the bogart and Laurie screaming about my life in the halls, rumors about me have been everywhere. Me, who was barely even noticed before.

Kala, our new roommate, has replaced Laurie in our little trio and both me and Luna have no problem with it. We both took a quick liking to her and I spend most of day with Kala since our schedules are almost the same except for Potions and Muggle Studies.

Ever since I heard the stories about the Hippogrifs in Care of Magical Creatures, I started to regret taking Muggle Studies. Maybe I could get Flitwick to change my schedule.

The door of our dorm slammed open while I laid motionless in my bed.

"Eva, me and Luna are going to the Great Hall. We'll wait five minutes for you before leaving," Kala slammed the door back closed before I could answer.

I took me a few minutes to get out of the extremely comfortable bed. It's Friday. It's Friday. Just today left. I kept repeating that to myself as I slowly got dressed. I wasn't surprised to see that my two best friends were already gone, it had been way longer than five minutes.

As I finally entered the Great Hall's doors I felt myself get picked up quite violently.

"What the-" I looked up to find my attacker to be Fred Weasley who was trying his best to run with me bridal style in his arms. "Fred left me go."

The Gryffindor table started laughing as Fred neared the table. "Be careful what you wish for Ev."

Before I could snap back, his arms disappeared from underneath me and the cold empty bench replaced them.

"OWW! Bloody hell Fred what was that for?"

"You've been avoiding us," George replied, appearing out of nowhere.

"No. I've been avoiding everyone. I'm not in the mood to hear all the rumors about my boggart or how I went mad and attacked Laurie."

Th twins and Harry who was across from me shot me sympathetic looks. Wait how did Harry know. I looked around for Ron to realize he was right next to me. Why did all the Weasley's know how to magical appear out of nowhere.

"What was your boggart?" Everyone turned to Hermione who was oblivious on the subject. She looked at with interest in her eyes.

"Er, well it was...-"

"Spiders," Ron wrapped his arm around my shoulder bringing me a little closer. As I flinched a little Hermione's eyes narrowed. "Just like me."

"But why would there-"

"Hermione, Ron we should go to Defense Against the Dark Arts. I heard were doing something interesting today," the black haired boy spoke up for once.

The three got up and some of the tension started to leave the air. "I'll see you two later," I mumbled to the redheads before trying to catch Harry.

"Harry. H-harry!" I need to get in shape. Luckily the younger boy heard me and waited as I ran up to him. "Do you know?"

"No but honestly it wasn't hard to piece together. Between this summer and the rumors. It's not my business but if you ever want to talk," he smiles up at me much like Luna.

"Thanks. Oh and Hermione definitely likes Ron so good luck with that." We both let out small laughs and turned our own ways.

As I decided to skip breakfast I heard a student yell, "-but Sirius Black is far more dangerous!"

The name made me shiver. Something about it was oddly familiar.

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