Chapter 88

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Eva's POV


He was trembling horribly. We both were. Are hands shook with the fear of all this be untrue. Fred slowly inched closer until he was towering above me.

"Eva." His body was on top of mine. His face curled up into my neck, and mine in his. Sobs overcame both of us, and we clung onto each other like it was the last time we would be together. We both sobbed, holding onto each other like life boats, and didn't stop for several minutes.

When I finally heard his gruntled cries stop, I pushed him away. "Fred, I...oh Merlin I missed you."

"You dumbarse," he chuckled softly, grabbing my chin and tilting my head to meet his eyes. "Why did you go...why didn't you tell me?"

"She was going to kill you if I didn't." We stare into each other's glossy eyes. "You, Remus, Luna, Kala...I couldn't...I-I couldn't loose you too." I pull myself into his shoulder, letting the tears flow out again. They were much slower, and almost more painful. Something about Fred forgiving me right away made everything more painful, because not so deep down I knew that after everything, I didn't deserve to be forgiven.

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry Ev. Merlin, I love you so much. After all this time we spent apart, I love you so bloody much."

"Why?" I want to say. "You shouldn't love me. You shouldn't be near me, because all I bring is pain and suffering to those around me." But the selfish part of me kicked in, because it felt so good to hear those words for once. "I love you so bloody much too, Freddie."

We pull apart and glance at our glossy, thin faces. Both of us had changed, become ghosts of ourselves. But being together again, brought back a few small pieces of ourselves. At the same time, we both let out soft, croaky laughs. "Why don't we get you some food?"

"Already got it!" Luna sings, and for the first time in forever, blush creeps across my face. She had been there the whole time.

"You need to eat too, Luna." The small sandwich she hands me looks like a five star meal compared to the goop they gave us at Malfoy Manor.

"I've eaten quite a few meals already." At my questioning look, her voice softens. "You've been passed out for three days, Eva."

"Three days?" I whisper looking at Fred. They both just nod at me, looking at me as if I'm a beaten down puppy.

After my meal, I get Fred to talk about his and George's shop. The happiness radiating from Fred's voice made everything seem a little bit lighter. It was obvious that he exempted the part where his shop got closed down for the war. There was no way that after what Ollivander had told me about his shop, that it didn't happen to theirs. I only saw Fleur, her husband Bill(who's also Fred's brother), Harry, the other redhead I couldn't remember the name of, and the muggleborns named Hermione and Dean a few times. Even with Bill's disapproval, Fred demanded he would stay at Shell Cottage as long as I would.

And so he did.

When it was finally time to go to sleep Fred and I curled up on one bed, Luna on the other that had appeared in the room. As I laid in his arms the days spent at Grimmauld place came flooding back into my mind. The sleepless nights filled with nightmares and the loathing of the Dark Mark, but also the days where I laughed at Fred's stupid jokes or spent time cooking with Sirius. Everything about the memories hurt.

Sleep over came Fred and Luna quickly, but I lay there staring at the clock. In one hour I would have to take another potion anyways, so why did it matter if I slept? So I lay there listening to the slow breathing of Fred's chest going up and down, and the loud tick of the clock next to our bed. Each second that pasted was like a week, but finally at two in the morning I got up. Without making a noise, I opened one of the dresser drawers to grab a vial of potion. Like always, I downed it quickly and ignored the taste, feeling the warmth flow through my body and then brain. Each time the liquid went down my throat I could feel my body getting stronger and my mind less hazy.

Hopefully, in a few weeks I wouldn't be forgetting so many things. As I was about to climb back into Fred's arms, a voice wrung through the room.

"No, no! Please, don't hurt her! Don't hurt her anymore!" It was Luna's cries, just like the ones back in Malfoy Manor. "Please!"

"Ev? Eva!"

"Shhh, Fred," I whisper to him across the room as I climb into Luna's bed. Her soft whimpers still continued as I slightly hugged her. I turned my head towards Fred again and silently mouthed, Goodnight.

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