Chapter 71

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Eva's POV

I spend the next two weeks wallowing in despair. Umbridge would not let a single letter of mine leave the castle, even if I sent it posing as someone else. I had been two weeks since Fred left and I couldn't even apologize. I don't even know how I passed the apparation test at all. My mind had been on Fred the entire time but I ended up at Hogsmeade in one piece.

Luckily for me I wasn't the only one down. Lee had been lonely with the twins gone and Angelina practicing every minute for the Quidditch match coming up. And with Kala also on the Quidditch pitch everyday and Luna out studying for O.W.L.S in the forest, where she felt more at peace, Lee and I spent some time together. It was mostly levitating nifflers into Umbridge's office or me complaining about not being able to talk to Fred while Lee studied for N.E.W.T.S.

"-and I don't know how I'm going to survive until summer without being able to apologize to Fred. I mean he had a surprise fireworks for me and I just-"

"Why don't you just talk to him with that notebook he got you," Lee says not looking up from his book.

"What!" I yell causing the other Ravenclaw's in the common room to shoot me dirty looks.

"I mean I had to hear all about that gift-"

"No, I mean why didn't you tell me that two weeks ago."

"Oh," Lee blushes a little. "Well I forgot the first time you mentioned Fred and then well...I might have been ignoring you a bit. I need to study y'know?"

Lee looks at me scared, expecting me to explode. Instead I kiss his cheek. "You're a lifesaver Lee! Be right back!" I run up to my dorm and dig through my trunk. There, all the way at the bottom, sat the little notebook he gave me for Christmas. With the quill attached to it I scrawl quickly. I'm so sorry for yelling at you that day. I should have let you explain. Please forgive me Fred.

Now all was left to do was wait. So I did. But hours, turned in days, and soon into longer than a week. My horrible mood reappeared and soon Kala joined Lee and I in there wallowing after a terrible defeat in the final Quidditch match. Soon the dreadful May blurred in the start of June and I finally stopped feeling horrid.

With Luna's O.W.L.S coming up and Kala and I's own exams I decided to be more cheerful and focus all on studying. Though it was much to Luna's delight that she wasn't the only cheerful one anymore, Kala seemed upset. As we start walking Luna to her first O.W.L.S exam she complained for the one hundredth time.

"Come on Eva. You were supposed to be are sad with me. Now that you're happy-ish that means I have to be happy."

"Why do you care, with you dating Luna you'll always have someone around you that's happy."

"True," Luna chimed in as we finally reached the Great Hall entrance.

"Good luck Lu," both Kala and I say at the same time. "Charms will be easy for you." Luna waves goodbye as we make our way to our exams rooms.

"Oh E, do you have a quill I forgot mine," before I could stop her, Kala had reached into my robe pockets and taken out the notebook. "Eva, you don't need to carry the book everywhere."

"Here's your quill," I ignore her shoving the notebook back in. We both walk into a unused classroom where Professor Flitwick stood. "At least we only have four exams this year."

"You do. I have five and about the no-"

"Ladies!" Professor Flitwick interrupts. "Please be at least two desks apart and stop talking, the exams are about to begin."

Instead of one week like the fifth years, the sixth years exams are only two days so Kala and I spend the rest of the week walking Luna to her exam rooms and hanging in the halls until she was done. On the last day, Luna finally came out near dinner time accompanied by Ginny.

"Hey Gin," I say as the four of us start to walk down the halls. "How'd you think you did?"

"Oh wonderful. The practical was boggarts and-" Ginny stops as yelling escapes from a classroom nearby. Slowly we walk up to it and throw the door open. In the classroom, the Golden Trio stand, fighting amongst each other.

"Hi," Ginny starts, "we heard yelling and well what are you yelling about?"

"Never mind," Harry says impatiently.

"No need to get rude. Just wondering if we could do anything to help?"


"You're be rude," Luna adds.

"They can help though Harry. We need to see if Sirius left-" the two bicker back and forth for a bit until Harry bursts.

"Sirius is being tortured NOW!"

"What?" I whisper. "He's being-"

Hermione interrupts me again but I ignore the bickering between everyone. I feel my heart pounding in my chest. Was I going to lose Sirius too?

"Eva!" Kala snaps her fingers in front of my face. "Come on, this way," she says a little more gently. We go down the and block it for Harry, Ginny telling everyone some gas is down it. But I'm so into my worries about Sirius I barely notice Draco grab me and pull me into Umbridge's office. It takes me a moment to realize what is happening. Snape comes in a moment later and while Umbridge is busy arguing with him, I take my chance to talk to Draco.

"Draco," I whisper, "please you have to let us go. Sirius. He has my dad and h-he might kill him. I-I need him Draco please." His scowl falls as I meet his eyes but Hermione yells before he can get words out.

"NO! I'll tell you!"

"No don't!" Harry yells back at his friend.

"Harry we have to..." Hermione starts crying and Umbridge smirks.

"Well well. Finally Miss Know-It-All, come then tell me."

"I'm sorry," she sobs, "we-we were trying to talk to Professor Dumbledore." I try not to gasp at her words. What is she playing at.

"We tried to find him! T-to tell him it's ready!"

Umbridge perks up even more. "What is?"

"The weapon!" Umbridge gasps in excitement, questioning Hermione more, but a warmth in my pocket takes me attention. The notebook. I glance at Draco, who didn't notice the warmth now fading from my pocket.

"-stay here," Umbridge commands and I realize that she had Hermione and Harry in her grasp. "Make sure no one escapes."

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