Chapter 32

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Kala's POV

I think Luna, Eva, and I all had a different view on Moody. Eva hated him the second that spider died in front of her. Luna thought Moody was unique, and liked that about him. I honestly had no idea what to think. At some points, I though he was cool like Lupin. Especially, when he turned Malfoy into a ferret or talked more about dark subjects we weren't allowed to hear about in earlier years. But other times he was scary- his eyes, or eye really, got all misty and dangerous looking when he spoke. He even used the Imperius Curse on all of us in class. I mean he just made us all do weird things- like I did I backflip for the first time- but his whole vibe was creepy.

I let out a loud sigh as I flop down next to Luna in the library. All the professors weren't joking when they said that 5th year and O.W.L.S studying would be hard. The amount of homework was just bloody barbaric.

"More work?" my girlfriend smiles up at me with her beautiful dreamy voice.

"Unfortunately, love. I'm guessing Eva's off with Fred and George," I smile back at her while opening my Charms book.

"Of course. Are you ready for the other schools to come tomor-"

This year was supposed to be simple. Spend all my time studying for O.W.L.S, and go on dates with Luna. Instead, we had to deal with the almost six foot, blonde tumor. "I can't wait to meet the Beauxbatons! Can I work with you guys?" Laurie Calle. Our suddenly new best friend every since her Hufflepuff boyfriend dumped her, and started pinning for her ex-best friend.

"Of course Laurie," Luna shines her beautiful smile at the girl like always.

Normally I wouldn't care if Luna smiled at anyone, but Laurie wasn't just anyone. Last summer when I had joined the Lovegood's at their quirky but cute home, Luna and I played a Muggle game my mum taught me. Truth or Dare(or just Truth after I almost broke a rare animal claw). We were telling each other small things, that no one knew about us. At first it started with Luna's journeys out into the Forbidden Forest at night to feed animals, or how I really didn't love Quidditch- I just wanted to be like Angelina.

Somewhere along the way it turned more personal. It was too late into the night when we both admitted to liking girls, and then she took me about Laurie. How she was deeply infatuated with the blonde in her first and second year. How she had been heartbroken every time Laurie dated a guy, but in the end, Luna was glad to get over her. The thought of Luna gazing at Laurie like the way I look at Luna, runs through my mind every time she arrives. Which is too much.

"Kala? Hello?" The annoyingly perfect blonde snaps me out of my thoughts. "You dozed off there."

"Sorry, lot of work y'know," I mumble trying to focus on my Charms paper. The guilt of not trusting Luna eats me up inside, but no matter how hard I try; I can't get the thought of Luna loving Laurie instead of me out of my head. I sit there trying to focus for almost an hour, but the constantly running thoughts stops me. Finally, I snap my textbook closed loudly and stand up.

"I need to ask Professor Flitwick something but I'll see you later," I lean into Luna pulling her into a deep kiss, causing her face to glow pink when I pull away.

"Bye Laurie." I don't even look at her as I walk out of the library desperate to get away from the guilt, anger, and doubt.

Sorry for the short chapter, but I wanted to give a little insight on Kala's character.

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