Chapter 89

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Eva's POV

Two days later Kala arrived furiously.

"I don't know! I can't think straight, j-just let me see them! LUNA! EVA!"

"Kaya, calm down," Fleur tried to reason. "What was ze date our wedding?"

"It's Kala, and how am I supposed to remember-"

"Kala?" Luna appears next to Fleur at the doorway. "What did Eva get as a birthday gift in your fourth year?"

"Krum's signed broomstick." The tanned girl is much more calm in the presence of her girlfriend. When Fleur finally allowed Kala into the house, she ran into Luna's arms and engulfed her in a huge kiss. "Merlin, Luna I was so worried when I heard." Their kiss turned into a hug, and when Kala finally looked up from her spot in Luna's shoulder our eyes locked. "Eva?"

My heart started pounding in my chest, and I could feel my hands start to tremor. Was she going to attack me? Surly she would never forgiven me for after all the horrible things I had done. I search for my wand in my pockets only to realize I didn't have it. I hadn't had it in almost a year. I look around for Fred, he would be able to protect me, but the redheaded giant wasn't there. Probably in the kitchen scrounging for food.

"Oh Merlin, Eva!" Instead of pulling her wand on me, my former dormmate pulled me into a deep hug. "You bloody bastard I thought you were dead." I want to ask if Kala's mad at me, I want to ask so bad but I knew it would ruin the moment. I knew I shouldn't be forgiven, but I wanted it too much.

"It's been too long," I whisper into her shoulder as we continue to hug. After we break apart the awkwardness takes over. It had been almost two years since we actually spent time together, the two grown up versions of ourselves didn't know how to act. "Why don't we go in the kitchen and talk?" The three of us walk through the small cottage, with Fleur following.

"Fred!" Fleur screeches as we enter the room. "Ze have many guests and zou cannot being eating all zhe food!"

"Soowy, I sowy Fer!" Fred says with a mouthful of food looking slightly scared of her. "Hmph, well no food for zou tonight. Some people actually need it—speaking of, Eva it's time for zour potion."

"Potion?" Kala asks.

"Yeah, helps with the tremors, memory loss, and pretty much all the side effects of the cruciatus." I let out a small laugh before downing the potion, but no one else does.

", Kala how's Angelina and Lee?" Fred asks, trying to break the awkward tension.

"Good, they're good. Both of them have moved to a different safe house, and I've stayed with my parents so we can't talk too much."

"I thought she was going to join...well, I can't remember the name, but that one professional Quidditch team?"

"Caerphilly Catapults, yeah she's going to join them after the war." Silence filled the room again, and we all felt the tension rise once more. "Fleur, is it okay if I stay here for a bit?"

"I suppose," the veela says quietly. "Though ze don't have much room."

"I can just share with Luna," Kala offers. "Lu, you want to show me?"

"Sure!" The two disappear up the stairs, leaving Fleur, Fred, and I.

"I will just do find Bill," Fleur says looking between us.

"Wait, Fleur. Do you have the wands I brought?"

"Of course. Follow me," she waves bringing me into a different room with Fred following.

"Why did you say 'wands' plural?" Fred whispers.

"This is why," I whisper back, pointing to the group of wands in a drawer Fleur just opened.

"How many wands did you steal?"

"Er...a lot. I couldn't remember which one was mine," I look away embarrassed.

"It's this one," Fleur says. "9 and 1/2 inch, Dragon Heartstring, and Alder. I have a good memory, and well it's hard to forget the whole Tournament."

"Thanks, Fleur," I say guiltily. I still have a hard time getting clear memories of my interactions with her in fifth year.

"Of course, zee zou two at dinner."

Once Fleur leaves, Fred comes closer as I inspect my wand. "Why do you want your wand, love?"

"I-I can't remember all the spells...I want to remember Fred," I bite the inside of my lip again to keep from crying, but Fred grabs my chin tilting my head to meet his eyes.

"It's okay to cry, Ev. And don't you worry about remembering, because I'll teach you."


"Of course, love." He flashes a big smile down at me I haven't seen since Hogwarts and I pull him down for a kiss.

"Let's go outside," I mumble into his lips.

"Or, we could do this for a little longer," he pulls me in for another kiss.

"Fine," I mumble into his lips again, feeling a wave of happiness go through me.

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