Chapter 73

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Fred's POV

Sirius Black dead in the Ministry of Magic. Black, former posed as a mass murderer, has been found innocent of all charges. Also, Sirius Black's daughter, Eva Black, disappeared the same day in the Ministry. This is thought to be the work of You-Know-Who and De

I watch as the rest of the Daily Prophet burns in the fireplace. "Fred," my mum says softly, "come over to the table. Dumbledore is here." I follow her to the kitchen silently to find George, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Lupin, Tonks, and Mad-Eye already sitting at the table. Standing at the counter is Dumbledore, looking older than ever before. Mum and I take our seats, waiting for the long speech Dumbledore probably had planned out.

"You may wonder why you are here," he waves towards Ginny, Ron, and Hermione. "Though you are not yet officially in the Order, I find that you all might be interested in what I have to say. I know you all have had your questions about Miss Black-"

"We're here to talk about that traitor! We had a bloody Death Eater with us the-"

"Ron!" Mum, Tonks, and I shout at the same time. The three of us glare at Ron, stopping him from saying anymore. But none of us could stop the burning rage in his eyes.

Dumbledore continues as if nothing happened. "Miss Black may have the Death Eater mark, yes, but she has not faithful to Voldemort. Not yet. Miss Black received the mark on the night of the third Triwizard Task, in the graveyard she was forced under the imperius curse to kill the man she formally thought was her father and take the mark. Under the burden of her shame, Miss Black swore Harry to secrecy of what happened that night. Now, we are doing everything we can to find her and bring her home safely."

With the finish of his speech, Dumbledore nods curtly towards us all and heads towards the door. "Wait, Professor!" But he ignores me, I push my chair and move to catch the Headmaster before he apparated away but mum grabs my arm holding me back.

"Fred, don't."

"Let me go I need to ask him-" the sound of him apparating away stops me from finishing my sentence. Everyone sits silently, taking in the information we just heard. No one moves for minutes, I stay standing. Frozen, with mum's arm still around mine. Finally Mad-Eye breaks the silence by pushing his chair back and hobbling towards the door. "Come on Nymphadora."

In a snap he apparates away and Tonks slowly stands up to follow his lead. She keeps her head down, her normally bubblegum pink hair now a grey-blonde covering her obviously puffy eyes. She apparates away after Moody and Lupin finally stands up, wiping the single tear off his face and following their lead. I stay frozen in place for a little while longer, trying to stop my chest from collapsing in pain.

Kala's POV

I spend most of the summer in St. Mungo's, healing from the curses I was hit with. Luna and Angelina visited almost daily but no one, not even Luna could make the situation happy.

When we finally arrive at Hogwarts on September 1st, Luna and I try to distract ourselves from the fact that our best friend wasn't here with us, but it was hard with the constant reminders everywhere. The eerie and ghost like feeling deepens when Luna and I discover that Laurie had not return to school either, and the hundreds of letters we send her are flown straight back to us.

As the weeks drag on, nothing but Luna made me happy anymore. I had offered the captain position for Quidditch, the thing I had been looking forward to almost my whole life, but I couldn't take it. Even Herbology started to seem dull, the thrill of caring for the green plants died out.

It was like half of me was empty. Since I had met Eva and Luna 4th year, I finally became full. Eva, my one half and Luna my other. But now I was left with only one half of myself. The only thing that kept me going was the fact that I still had my other half.

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