Chapter 60

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Eva's POV

I stayed true to my word to Fred. The next day I went to breakfast with Kala and Luna, which really threw off my eating schedule. I even tried to make some conversation, though they still avoided certain conversations.

My detentions with Umbridge were horrible. Each day she had me write with a quill that made my hand bleed. It also seemed like she wanted to bleed me dry. Luckily for me, she didn't stop me from going to Hogsmeade. Luna had informed me that everyone was meeting at Hogs Head, a beaten down pub that no one ever went to.

I rod with Luna and Kala trying to study the thestrals while they snogged. They had begun more public affection since Umbridge became High Inquisitor, probably to get a rise out of her. After the awkward carriage ride we walked what seemed like forever until we arrived at a dingy old pub that held odd looking people. It looked as if we were late, with almost three dozen students crowding around Harry, Hermione and Ron.

"Make that twenty-seven please," Fred says to the bartender who looks strikingly familiar. "Cheers," Fred says to everyone while handing them out, "Cough up, everyone. I haven't got enough for all these..." As I start to reach into my pocket for some money, Fred appears beside me. "Not you love. I got you." I blush as he puts his hand on my waist to slide by. In the back I find a seat next to George, Lee, and Angelina and let Kala and Luna sit together up front.

"Er...hi," Hermione starts looking nervous, " know why we're here. Harry had an idea-well I had an idea....the idea to study Defense Against the Dark Arts from a real teacher. Learning spells and how to defend ourselves." Fred slides onto the seat next to giving me his trademark smirk. "We need to properly trained because.....V-Voldemort is back..." I stop listening to her speech as I feel the mark cold against my skin. The makeup charm and long sleeves I have been wearing have covered it but for some reason I felt as everyone could see it. Could feel the presence of it in the room.

"-you say You-Know-Who is back?" a Hufflepuff says defensively. "Where's the proof."

"It wasn't just Harry who saw him," I say making all eyes turn to me.

"Eva you don't have to say anything," Fred whispers worriedly. This was the first time I had ever said anything about that night. I turn and look directly at Harry. "Voldemort killed Cedric and if you want to be able to defend yourselves from him, then you should let Harry teach you."

"Well if you could tell us about Cedric's death-" the same Hufflepuff says again.

But Harry and I both stop him. "No."

"We're not here to talk about how Cedric died," Harry says quickly, ending the discussion.

"Is it true you conjured a Patronus?" Luna asks.

"Yeah," Harry says slowly.

"I didn't know you could that!" Lee exclaims, looking impressed.

"And that you killed a Basilisk with a sword?"

"Well, yeah-"

"And first year," Neville interrupts, "he saved the Sorcerer's stone."

"Look!" Harry says squirming uncomfortably. I felt bad that he had all the pressure on him but I am deeply glad no one looking at me. "I had help with a lot of stuff..."

"Not with the dragon or dementors," a Ravenclaw boy says impressed.

"Are you just trying to weasel your way out of this stuff?" the Hufflepuff boy from earlier snaps.

"Shut your mouth Zacharias," Ron snaps angrily.

"We've turned up to learn from him and he's saying he can't do any-"

"That's not what he said," Fred joins in suddenly.

"Would you like us to clean out your ears for you?" George adds pulling out some weapon.

"Or any part of your body, we're not fussy where we stick it-"

"Boys," I say grabbing the two and pulling them back into their seats before they could actually use it.

"Well," Hermione says bringing the attention away from the little scene, "the next question is when should we meet-"

"Well it can't clash with Quidditch practice," Angelina says, as the other Quidditch players agreed.

"Okay, okay it won't clash with anyone's schedules but the other question is where to practice?"

A few people shout out some ideas but Hermione silences them. "We'll contact you all once we have a time and a place. Now...I think everyone-everyone should write their name down so we know who was here. And we agree not to tell Umbridge or anyone else about this."

There's so reluctance from Zacharias and a few others to sign but I move up first and sign right behind Harry, Ron and Hermione. As everyone lines up to sign their name I pull Harry aside. "Have you talked to Si-Snuffles at all?"

"Don't be mad but yes-"

"I'm not mad Harry. I was stupid before to be mad but I need you to tell him when you see him again I can't send letters at all. To him or Remus or Tonks. I got into a bit of a row with Umbridge and got detention..." I trail off and absentmindedly rub my wrapped hand.

"She used the quill on you too?" Harry asks softly looking at my wrapped hand. I just nod as he pulls back his sleeve reveal his faded scars. "Can I see yours?" I hesitant before nodding again and slowly starting to unwrap the cloth around my hand. Harry winces at the fresh wound and we stand I silence until someone breaks it.

"What is that? I turn around to see Fred looking at my bloody scarred hand.

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