Chapter 70

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Eva's POV

I spend the afternoon helping Luna study for O.W.L.S in the library instead of cheering on the fireworks erupting everywhere. The thought of Fred leaving early plagues my thoughts. How would be able to stay together if we were going to be apart for so long. Being apart for almost a year was going to be hard enough, but a few extra months on top of that.

My dreadful mood carries onto the next day and Potions doesn't make it any better. Normally Snape would just pretend I didn't exist but today he picked on me every chance he got.

"Today you will be making Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world. Miss Black!" I sit up a little surprised he was talking to me. "What are the five ingredients in Amortentia?"

"Er, Peppermint, Pearl dust...Ashwinder Egg," I rack my brain for the other two ingredients. "I-I don't know the other two sir."

"The Black's were never very skilled in Potions. Powdered moonstone and rose thorns are the other two ingredients. Follow the instructions on the board, you have until the end of class."

I scowl quietly to myself and avoid eye contact with Snape the whole time. Luckily by the end of the class I'm one of the few that correctly prepares the potion. Or at least I think I did, within minutes I became dizzy with the smell of burnt sandwiches, old jumpers, and some sort of candy.

"Miss Black!" Snape snaps me out of my daze by putting a lid on my potion. "You almost made everyone pass out from the smell. Five points from Ravenclaw for your forgetfulness. You're dismissed, seeing as you're done." I run out of the classroom, still dizzy from warmth and familiarity the smell gave me.

I finally get over my fears and try to find Fred, except he didn't seem to be anywhere in the castle. He wasn't even on the map, so after a few days of searching I give up and start focusing on something else. The Apparation Test.

With the test coming up in two weeks, I couldn't afford to be nervous or have my mind on other things, so I went to the library to calm myself with some reading. But as I was about to enter through the doors someone stopped me.

"Eva!" I turn around to see the younger Gryffindor I hadn't talked to in a while.

"Hello Harry."

"I-er I wanted to talk to you. Somewhere private maybe?"

"Okay, follow me." I turn away from the door and instead to the bench across from the library. He looks at me uncertainly as I motion to sit down. "Muffliato. Now no one can hear our conversation."

"Brilliant. So-er well I suppose S-Sirius must have told you stories about when they were our age. Him and my father."

"Some yes. Why?"

"Well I recently saw a memory of my father, James, terrorizing other students just because."

I sigh lightly. "Now don't take my word for it but, James and Sirius, from what I heard could be-I don't know a little rough, I guess, to other students. But don't take my word for it. I'd ask Sirius."

"Er-well thats the thing. I-I am. Today. Fred and George are going to cause some distraction and I'm going to talk to him in Umbridge's office and....well I was wondering if you wanted to come with?"

I pause for a moment. This very well could be the day the twins choose to leave, and if it is I had to talk to Fred first. "C-could you give me just a few hours to find Fred first and if I decide to come...I'll meet you around Umbridge's office."

"Of course." I mumble thank you and start down the corridor. "Oh and Eva! He's in our common room!"

"Thanks Harry!" I yell back at him. I break into a run towards the Gryffindor common room, I had to get to Fred. When I finally reach the portrait, to my luck they hadn't changed the password yet, and climb into the common room I'm very out of breath. The twins sit in the corner, whispering furiously to each other until George looks up at me. "I think I'm going to-er....I'm going to our dorm real quick."

"Why-" George motions to me, standing behind Fred before disappearing. "Oh Eva, hi."

"Hi? You barely talk to me for days and I just get hi? And now you and George are going to leave without even saying goodbye!" Luckily for Fred, there's no one in the common room to hear my yelling.

"I was going to but...Ev our relationship has been a bit rocky-"

"So you were just going to leave without saying goodbye! Unbelievable! Well don't let me stop you!" I start to storm out ignoring his pleas for me to wait.

"Ev! Eva please I was going to-" I slam the portrait door before he could finish. I only allow a few tears to slip free from my eyes. I couldn't cry over Fred Weasley. I couldn't. And so Fred had made my decision for me.

I wait a few hours watching the map until Harry starts moving towards Umbridge's office. I run a short distance to her office, trying to ignore the big boom I hear in the distance. When I enter, Harry's body near the fireplace.

"What was that?" the familiar voice of Sirius Black rings into the office. I kneel down by Harry, poking my head into the fire to see Sirius and Remus at the Grimmauld Place. "Eva?"

"Miss me?" I grin widely. "Sorry, go on Harry." Harry goes on to explain in more depth than with me, how he saw his father, Sirius, Remus, and Peter Pettigrew in Snape's memory tormenting him. I can't help but to think of the letters as Sirius and Remus laugh and look at each other. I hadn't noticed it before but I could see them together. But my smile fades when screams loudly and pulls me away from my thoughts.

"He stopped giving you lessons?" Remus gasps.

"I'm coming up there to have a word with Snape!" Sirius roars standing up but Remus pulls him back down.

"If anyone should it would be me. Now-" he hesitates as we all listen to loud steps.

"Is Kreacher coming?" I ask quietly.

"No. It must be someone on your end," Sirius whispers back.

"We got to go!" Harry shouts.

"Bye you two!" We pulls ourselves out of the fire and Harry throws a big cloak around the two of us as Filch comes in muttering. I don't dare ask how Filch wasn't dragging us down the stairs at the moment and hold my breath until he leaves.

"How did-" I ask as soon as he leaves.

"Invisibility Cloak. Come on." We run out of the office to see a huge swamp below us.

"Go Argus," Umbridge says to Filch standing beside her. "You two are about to learn what happens to troublemakers in my school." In the middle of the swamp I now notice Fred and George with huge smiles on their faces. Fred's smile falls a little when he sees me, but he pulls it right back up. "I don't think we are. George," the two twins look at each other, "I think we've outgrown education."

"I've been thinking exactly the same thing."

"Time to be out in the real word you know."

"Definitely," they grin manically one more time before yelling together. "Accio Brooms!"

A crash from far away slowly starts to get louder until the brooms fly into the twins hands. "We won't be seeing you."

"So don't bother getting in touch!" George grins and hops onto the broom stick like his brother.

"If anyone wants a Portable Swamp, as demonstrated, come to 93 Diagon Alley. Weasley's Wizard Wheezes!"

"Special discounts to those who swear they're going to use our products on this old bat."

"Stop them!" Umbridge screams at her Iquisitorial Squad.

"Give her hell for us Peeves!" Fred says to the poltergeist that was watching from below. As the two kick off and start to fly away Fred throws a firework back. As it explodes the words I love Eva Black fizz through the air and my heart drops with guilt.

Sorry for the last updates I've been sick twice now and busy with school.

Also I've just published the first chapter of this book just edited. The plots pretty much going to stay the same except for a few changes. So, check it out if you'd like but otherwise thanks for reading!

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