I want one of the worst candy.

42 3 0

-All myths! Find the width of the brush before pointing your finger at the board. Do you call it "text"?

-Yes, that's enough. This is not the best. «»

-IIII, look at this page! Keef shouted and pulled the bottle back. "This is the biggest thing I've ever seen. It never happened."

"Elder Fitz knew he was going to sleep," Sophie must ask.

-Who is she? Yes. It's called Protege. NAV: It takes a little sugar and has a great effect. He picked up another piece of bread and said, "It's Ernie! Oh, Kuaishou! "This is a bicycle! And Elwood! I don't know who she is. But I told her that it was a gift. "

(The original is when Keefe, and Sophie were talking about the elf cookies, I don't know what they're called.)

Sorry I haven't posted a chapter in what seems like years.

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now