ICAM Final!

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"I'm trying to start."

"I know," Coffee said. " I'm trying to sort this out."

"I don't know," he said softly. "And ... here we are."

"I don't think anything can happen," the cafe admits. "I want to talk to you about three things now, don't I? Wait until you're satisfied before you get Tom." First: I don't like it. He also said, "The second time you smile, you always smile," and he'll smile very well.

I am really sad right now... this quote used to be a wonderful Kam moment (aka my favorite ship) until it was translated... this was the original wonderful kam moment:                                  "I tried to warn you. ".     " I know," Keefe told him. "And I tried to listen."    "I know," Tam said quietly. "And ... here we are."     "I'm pretty sure that was inevitable," Keefe agreed. "So I want you to know three things, okay? The truest things you'll ever hear." He waited for Tam to nod before he told him, "Number one: I still don't like you."Tam's lips twitched at that, but he stayed silent as Keefe added, "Number two: I will always make fun of your bangs." That earned Keefe an actual smile.

Also again with Keefe's name turning into coffee... it's so weird.... also sorry this is so short, and that all of my other chapters are short.

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now