This post is very IO then it has many features -

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Go to the group - a group that will be sent to the next level. (A/N I'm on the next level, jeo neomeoui mun-eul yeol-eo. I can't get that song out my head it's so catchyyy-)

Original: Some problems screamed Let the big muscly warriors handle this—and killer mutant newborn trolls was definitely one of them.


Original: walked

What do you think you need? Ask Adelin to recognize Sofia. Advanced "Accepted", but the situation could not be changed: it was evening and the race was over. It stayed in the middle of nowhere for a while, and then the wind blew.

Original: "SHOULD YOU BE LYING LIKE that?" Edaline asked when she came to tuck Sophie in. "Probably not," Sophie admitted. But she couldn't bring herself to shift from her current position: limbs stretched out like a starfish across the top of her humongous bed. After weeks confined to a narrow cot, she was soaking up all the space she could get."

"But why are you looking for Keef?" What about my sister and baby? "You want to know your fat." "He wants me there because he knows I'm good at everything." So you can call me a man because you have to. Think about life's choices. "

Original: "But why would she want Keefe and my brother there, if this is about the babies?" Linh wondered. "Uh, she wants me there because she knows I'm awesome at everything," Keefe jumped in, "and she's bringing in Bangs Boy because she clearly needs to rethink her life choices."

If you think you need this great travel safety Let's start with friends, because they are the strongest and best defenders in the world.

Original: I think what you meant to say is that since I'm the most powerful, amazing bodyguard you've ever met, you desperately need my protection during this risky endeavor you're about to embark on with your friends.

Who am I? (A/N who are you?)

Original: Bullhorn screamed his head off when he saw you, and then he insisted on lying by your side—which pretty much gave me a meltdown, just so you know.

Here it is. "Dex was right.

Original: But they were clean breaks, so the marrow regenerator should seal them pretty fast. Same goes for his cracked ribs. Then it's just all the nerve and tissue damage from the force field, and—" "Uh, I don't think this is making her feel better," Dex warned. And he was right."

What happened when the wind blew? Did Adelin or Sofia blow away? Do they way like 1 pound? Or is the wind really strong? Or is it talking about the race? But then what happened when the wind blew during the race? One of the contestants hair blew?

*gasp* The end of the world! We're all being controlled by technology and are now acting like people in shampoo commercials!

And like damn some person was asking about their child, I'm assuming and hoping, safety then the other person just called them fat. And then asked the person randomly to think about life's choices which I feel like is just randomly deep.

What was the reason?

When they said friend were the best fighters in the galaxy I imagined the people from the tv show friends. If they are the best fighters in the galaxy our galaxy is hella pathetic. (No offense.)

And remember,


Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now