Zimmerman endende o se vevela vevela tele.

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Kefa offered him to leave, but he could not escape.

Original: She'd even tried asking Keefe to leave, but there was no getting rid of him.

She does not hate jewelry, although she is afraid that she will grow up in the city and will be afraid of her husband's rule. He feared that political leaders would expel him or force him to live and fight

Original: She hadn't bothered to decorate—even after Keefe had pointed out that almost nothing in the room seemed to be hers—in large part because she'd spent most of her time in the Lost Cities either worrying that Grady and Edaline wouldn't adopt her, terrified that the Council would exile her, or banished and fighting to stay alive.


Original: Sophie flinched. She'd almost forgotten they had an audience for the Most Stressful Family Reunion in the History of Family Reunions.

ARD can really take full advantage of its time. TARDIS.

Original: while none of the outfits were that elf-y, they definitely stood out next to her sister's jeans and TARDIS T-shirt.

 They have a helicopter. If I have no idea, then I don't care. Lily laughed, "D! I love you. The woman is fine

Original: "I'm sure I can figure it out. Just because I don't have fancy powers doesn't mean I'm useless." "Oh, I like her," Livvy called through the flames. "Tell you what, Feisty Girl"

What do you think should happen? Grundi attacks the green town and throws dinosaurs.

Original: "I'm fine. I was just wondering if—are there T. rexes on your pajamas?" Grady glanced down at his fuzzy pants covered in neon-green, feathered dinosaurs."

But don't win, just win at a cafe. Author: Protection: Coffee and Vanderbie?

Original: Though we need a WAY cooler name, Keefe jumped in. How about Team Foster-Keefe and the Wonderboy?

The Zimmerman sounds like some glittery version of the bogeyman

How does coffee protect you from anything? Does it protect from sleep? Does google translate want you to throw coffee into the eyes of your enemies to blind them?

That poor unfortunate persons nickname is D?

Why does "She does not hate jewelry, although she is afraid that she will grow up in the city and will be afraid of her husband's rule. He feared that political leaders would expel him or force him to live and fight" sound like something a homophobic, transphobic, racist or sexist person would say for an argument about why women are "inferior" to men or why gay people shouldn't get married. Idk it just sounds like something a homophobic person would say (no offense to google translate I'm not saying they are homophobic, transphobic or sexist)

Why did Kefa offer some person to leave even thought they couldn't? Would 't kefa know they were not going to be able to leave and not offer that suggestion?

Also what the hell is "Grundi attacks the green town and throws dinosaurs."- 💀😭😂

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now