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I hate him, but I refuse.

Original: hate to say this—but I agree with the troll.

 What is Mesoto? "I can do it if I think it's your face. Don't let it happen."

Original: "You treated Romhilda?" "I did. And I hope I'm around if you ever call her that to her face," Elwin noted, likely remembering how strongly Ro felt about people using her full name.

As a result, people in this system of eternal life and power misbehave on the Internet.

Original: She understood why the elves had created the system, given that their indefinite life span and ageless appearance made the chance of distant relatives accidentally ending up together a really gross possibility.

This property can be purchased at any time! Thank you, as you can see. Selma, who owns a car on the farm, has money for a new guest house and works part -time.

Original: And now you can fight like the rest of us! We'll see how long you last!" The beast attacking Umber's shield seemed eager to take on that challenge, pivoting toward the three newly exposed members of the Neverseen and charging full speed ahead.

,, -,.

Original: Sophie wanted to laugh, but Biana was clutching her stomach like she was going to throw up—and Fitz's fists were squeezed so tight, his knuckles looked bloodless.

Original: Extensive debate followed over which bodyguard should teach, and what exactly the lessons would be—and Sophie decided to stay out of it, content to sit on the couch and watch Sandor, Bo, and Tarina wave weapons around, trying to outdo each other.

Come. .

Original: "So much for only one left," Cadfael muttered. Sophie could only nod and count. (A/N who is cadfael?)

Mesto sounds like a pasta sauce. Like a malicious pesto, or a magic pesto. But why would a pasta sauce be on someone's face? Unless it's blood and they were either stabbed in this face or murdered someone? But how can you prevent yourself from being murdered? They are so many plot holes.

And in again with the plot holes in the first quote, we need context my friend.

Kotlc is really becoming real estate agents 

We're the hell does google translate want us to go? Like where? Into the depths on nonsense to join them?

And why I swear to god does the Punjabi always turn one of the quote into explanation points.

Also the third translation is high key amazing-

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now