Well it looks as if the title quote decided to die

12 1 12

Trina was born with the right vocabulary.

Original: Tarina unleashed a colorful array of Trollish words as the ground drew closer and closer

Download email. - Are you close to him? Have you ever sat down and talked about hair loss? - This is the first time you've done this? "We all know our hair is unique," Kawa said. (A/N I- LOL imagine if this conv

Original: Fitz reeled on him. "You're on their side? Is that why you just sat there and talked about your stupid hair?" "Okay, first? We both know my hair is awesome," Keefe said with his hugest smirk yet

Cirero spoke calmly to the unusual bird's horse.

Original: For a sparkly winged horse, Silveny gave a pretty awesome pep talk

"last;" Why "Oh!" there is none

Original: "Is it ooze time, is it ooze time, is it ooze time?" Ro asked, bouncing on the balls of her feet and clapping her hands. Elwin nodded, turning to Fitz and Sophie. "Who wants to go first?" "Foster volunteers!" Keefe said, with a smirk that so deserved a pillow to the head."

"I'll show you my foot," Sophie said without showing her other foot. 

Original: "I was aiming for the leg," Sophie insisted, deciding not to mention that she'd been aiming for the other leg."

I want you there 

Original: She pushed her long sleeves up to her elbows, wishing Mr. Forkle would hurry. He was a few minutes late—and since he'd told them to dress as warmly as possible, it was getting pretty miserable waiting outside. But when they'd tried waiting inside, they'd had to deal with Edaline's sappy smiles and Grady's glaring, so standing in the sun in heavy clothes was a worthwhile sacrifice.

It is great to learn Italian in Baku. But if I were Sophie, I would regret it.

Original: I want it to be you (A/N this sounds so similar to the last translated quote...)

Life's greatest mystery...

What is on Sophie's other foot?!

Acne? A prosthetic foot? Claws? Warts?

How does one learn Italian In Baku?

With a google search I have found out that Baku has many different meanings. 

It can be a Japanese supernatural being that eats nightmares..

Or the capital of Azerbaijan.

Baku is also a name apparently?

In my opinion it kind of sounds like like idiot in Japanese 

"Learn Italian in Idiot today!"

How does a bird have a horse?

Or more importantly, how does it keep said horse alive?

If I had a horse it would have probably died in my care (which would  really sad) or it would have been taken away from me. (Which would be sad but a lot better.)

I can imagine a child named Trina just being born and saying a word like "Floccinaucinihilipilification" or "Facetiously" or "Boondoggle" (I know, I know such a fancy formal word, even oxford dictionary's confirms it)



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