Dreams and salad.

14 2 4

I said, "Someone is calling you." No one hugged me. They said, "Floli is crying." "Do not attack the heroes." But he was crying. You know the color, "Guruo said, lifting his neck. I try to listen as much as possible. "If you are curious, you are happy with the way you look.

I am kind of curious but I am not happy about how I look.... I guess advice from google translate should never be trusted. Here is the original quote : "Someone cleared his throat—loudly—and a gruff voice said, "No one told me this assignment would require hugging." "It doesn't," Flori called over her shoulder. "And even if it did, no one would be hugging you." "Good," the voice snapped back. "Warriors do not hug. Or cry. I'm starting to see why the girl needed a proper guard." Sandor snarled. "Sophie, meet Bo," Flori said as Sophie craned her neck, trying to follow the voice to the source and not having any luck. "In case you're wondering, yes, he is every bit as delightful as he seems."

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I would like to say this book is probably coming to a end very soon. I am planing to make another book like this one but with any other book series or maybe just maybe if I can find quotes for them, movies series/TVs shows of any kind. So if you have a recommendation of which book/maybe movie/ maybe tv show I should do please tell me.

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now