See who's trying. ns:

10 1 4

This does not apply to all diseases. 

Original: From what I hear, don't ever upset her when you're near any tree roots.

I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about. Call and harass two fools. (A/N I'm sorry what) He promised to protect his team. 

Original:  Sorry I didn't check in earlier, he told her. Did I wake you? No. Iggy's been terrorizing me with toxic farts. I swear he's been saving them up.

Zs is not good, now it is the most famous port in the world. 

original:  Fitz didn't seem to care one bit. And that was good, because his shoulder was quickly becoming her favorite place in the whole world."

Sophia said, "Excuse me. 

 Original: Alvar's just so . . . happy. Like today. He stopped in the middle of his walk because he HAD to smell all the flowers. And then he got all choked up about how beautiful they were and how amazing it is to smell something that isn't swampy and rancid, and my parents just stood there, eating it up. I swear, if my mom wasn't trying to pretend that she's being objective, she would've run over and given him a hug after the flower thing.

 . WL-. Guava (A/N whenever I think of guava I think (that autocorrected to ink?) of Guava Juice.,, welp I just looked up Guava Juice and it's not a drink like I thought it's a YouTuber that I used to watch.)

 Original:  I'm sorry, Sophie told him. That sounds super stressful. It is—but don't worry, I'm keeping my temper under control. I almost lost it when they first opened the gates to let Alvar in, but I'd told Biana to kick me to distract me. That got me through—plus a couple of wicked bruises. Word of advice, never let Biana near your shins." (A/N I can't think of shin's without thinking of when I kicked a guy in the shins in 1st grade, it's becoming a problem.)

 If the situation is bad, you can go and read the message. When I was young, I was scared and scared. -? - ...? . "I don't know what to do with my life. 

 Original: And tomorrow I think we're supposed to play games. Games? I know—don't even get me started. That's the brilliant plan from our illustrious Council: Make us play base quest with a murderer.

"I don't know what to do with my life." might be the most relatable/realistic thing google translate has ever said.

"This does not apply to all diseases." 

Those diseases that it doens't apply to: 🦠🎉🎉🤺🤸🏻‍♀️🔪🪄🥇🎺✨ 🪅🕺🏻(Inspired by meme about those sprays that kill 99.9% of germs)

Life advice with google translate:

If in Trouble, open your messages.

Young people are scared and scared.

When being dishonest always say "I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about". Words like a charm. 

"He promised to protect his team." Sounds like a cheesy phrase in a Disney movie to represent some person who is troubled in life, or is the "scary" one in a kids show that turns out to be nice. (Example: salt man from the first Home Alone)

Isn't it great when something  is the most famous in the world, but is also terrible.

It really makes sense doesn't it?

Because it sounds like this person's saying it like it's a fact, not a opinion. 


Stray kids going fast or slow-

Red light green light swag-

I can't imagine being stray kids when they filmed N/S it would be really weird to do the dance in the middle of the street with people around-

I would have felt so embarrassed-

(It says I published this today,, but I didn't? I'm confused I didn't post anything here yesterday besides for the 1,500 reads thing...)

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now