Fighting corruption - I don't think this is going to happen in KLC

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Original: "Someone needs to tell Shade Boy the role of Troublemaker with Daddy Issues is already filled," Keefe mumbled, pulling her back to their conversation. "You could've told him that when you warned him about the Foster fan club," Biana suggested. "Or not," Sophie jumped in.


Original: Sophie was starting to put serious thought into Keefe's "kidnap Elwin" plan.

- Nobody put him in yoga. And ... if you lied to me ... Dex asked.

Original: His eyes drifted to the Evader in Dex's hand, and his expression darkened. "Please tell me that's not what I think it is—or that you've at least had the common sense to not put it to use." "Well . . . if you want me to lie . . . ," Dex mumbled

But help me gather your data. Yes, I know you've seen music.

Original: And then you need to give me permission to enter your consciousness—and yes, I know, you think that sounds creepy.

They are good leaders who tell you that they should always think for themselves, but only if they are asked to choose. Sofia didn't try

Original: The Collective also wouldn't bring her to see Prentice. She'd offered many times, and they told her she needed to save her mental energy. But when Della asked to go, they agreed—which Sophie tried not to find insulting.

I'm just not going to talk about the first two

What dumbass leaders say you should always think for yourself? If you were in the middle of a war and the decision you made would cause either life or death to a whole state or country but you would have to die for them to be safe do you think it would be good for them to think that they should chose to sacrifice all of those people for themselves?

Also why is Dex so upset that no one put him in yoga? (I don't want to know what he means by that)

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now