Corcoman, beef on the table.

6 1 4

Fitz and Ron also tried to finish. Fitzgerald. That's a good thing. Le

Original: Then they got to endure the ooze all over again—much to Ro's delight—as he repeated the process with Fitz's leg. Fitz's ribs also got a bandage change, along with a thick layer of bright orange balm that smelled very, very fermented. And for the finale, they each got trays filled with dozens of elixirs

"If this helps, you can ask for feedback when the animal is in the womb and crying. Then the mother touches the baby.

Original: "If it helps," Tarina told her, "I had a similar reaction the first time I learned that some creatures have bellies that stretch and bulge as the baby develops fully inside them, and then the mother has to push the baby out through a process that looks rather slimy and painful." When she put it that way, it definitely didn't sound a whole lot better. "I think I'm never having kids," Sophie decided."

I don't like it, but I'm a demon. I don't like it, but I'm a demon.

Original: hate to say this—but I agree with the troll."

The church was very cold after the earthquake. Do you think they are easy, slow and slow? Pine of Fitz had no answer. "I really like gigs," Sophie said.

Original: she was glad to have someone to lean on when the floor angled sharply downhill a few curves later. "Think it'd be easier to plop down and slide the rest of the way?" Fitz asked. "No," Mr. Forkle called back to him. "I'm more worried about what it's going to be like climbing back out of here," Sophie admitted. Fitz groaned. "I wasn't even thinking about that." (A/N out of context this is hella confusing)


Original: She understood why the elves had created the system, given that their indefinite life span and ageless appearance made the chance of distant relatives accidentally ending up together a really gross possibility (A/N this is a children!s book, why was this added-?)

Download chhatai computer garanchunch, garn saknuhunch solution by using tai saknuhunch.. your ko first huluk farm ho i ramro feel garn. For instance (A/N again, is it really English?)

Original: Fitz offered Sophie his arm, and she tried to ignore the way her insides fluttered at the gesture. He was probably only doing it because everyone knew that climbing things without tripping wasn't one of her strengths—particularly when she was wearing heels. But her face still grew warm as she hooked her elbow around his. It got even warmer when he told her, "I'm glad you're here." "So am I." (A/N cause baby so am I, so am I, so am I-)

Thank you! ! R !!! "oh me"

Original: And now you can fight like the rest of us! We'll see how long you last!" The beast attacking Umber's shield seemed eager to take on that challenge, pivoting toward the three newly exposed members of the Neverseen and charging full speed ahead


The poor google translate peeps-

One of them just lived through an earthquake,

Another ones a demon,

One unfortunate person is being taught about what seems to be animal childbirth,

Fitz and Ron were trying to finish  something (🤨) and we're presumably interrupted while doing so, 

Poor Corcoman (I looked it up and that actually seems to be a real name and not some nonsensical word) was forced to eat their beef on the table.

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon