What happens to a good word?

7 0 5

, "Chingary," "o."

Original: Embrace the sparkles, Foster," Keefe told her. "They look good on you.

America America

Original: But from now on, count on me not letting you out of my sight.

सप ना देख ह

Original: That's why the sedative I'm taking makes me dream about glitter and dancing


Original: breath


Original: Sophie

"Reduce,", hey new--! "Nene"

Original: "Dude, enough with the cutesy pin names," Ro told him."Never!" Keefe said, adding a verminion he called Cheeky.

How strong should he be?

Original: How do you stop the inevitable, when no one else will?

Q: You see how good it is, right? The boss asked. Sophie dropped the pillow. Or the left is bigger than I thought. ,, finally caught the face of Magno Lato.

Original: Uh . . . you've seen how cute she is, right?" Keefe asked. Sophie flung a pillow at his head. Or, she tried to. Throwing with her left arm was much harder than she'd expected, and . . . She ended up nailing Magnate Leto in the face.

Reduce reuse recycle?

Did y'all hear about the new up and rising country America America. I heard it's like the U.S but 2 times better, I can't wait till I get to visit there some day it seems like such a cool place.

Chingary sounds like a bird name

I just found out that courtesan means a wealthy prostitute

What's google trnaltes obsession with prostitutes today?

First Fitz is a prostitute and now google translate is just saying the word (or a  correlating word I guess, also I mean no offense to prostitutes I respect what they do, di what you gotta do from money, as long as there's consent) 

Who is the boss and why did Sophie drop a pillow because something was good? I would assume this is so sort of workspace so why does she even have a pillow? (It would be wonderful though if you could bring pillows to work)

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now