Thanks to Fitzgerald, I tried to test the answers.

8 0 3

"Perfect white," Dali said quietly, but I was not thinking too fast. "Don't tell me," said Gray, a 12-year-old Delhi Sophos official. I want to see "

Original: "Grady is powerful," Della jumped in. "But not as powerful as you'd think." "How can you say that?" Sophie asked. "Grady made all twelve Councillors smack themselves in the face!" Della laughed. "Wish I'd been there to see that."

"This is not a desert," said Sophia Wilde. - views

Original: "This isn't the desert," Sophie said as they reappeared in a forest high in the mountains. "How astute of you,"

The idea is "Without an introduction to the book". Dad is, so I do not see everything.

Original: "The book can't be that bad," Della insisted. "Yeah, it is. My dad wrote it." "Your dad's a writer?" Sophie asked. "More like a torturer of innocent readers."

Abu Sit, pregnancy and children -

Original: "Question," Keefe said after they'd climbed for several minutes. "Why do all the trees look like they want to eat us?" He wasn't wrong. The gnarled, bulbous trunks reached for them with clawed, branchy hands, and the knots in the wood looked like eyes

Where should I go? Police Mamu Mayar Abd Ayan Ayan Shalin Sikhalan Sian i Bub Chapter B B Hit .e

Original: "YOU GUYS OKAY over there?" Keefe asked, right as Fitz transmitted, three. "Foster's emotions are seriously wigging." "Come on, man, we were so close!" Fitz said.

- Created by Arun Kiski Kilai."And that's because your father didn't live long."

Original: "It takes a keen eye to find the trail." "Yeah, well, did those keen eyes of yours also see you just stepped in a big pile of sasquatch poop?" Keefe asked

How was Arun Kiski Kilai created by someone's father kicking the bucket?

How does Sophie become blind when a book doesn't have an introduction?

And what is this "Abu Sit, pregnancy and children -" are we in sex Ed (or as my school classed it puberty talk) because if we are then Goodbye. Aur revior. Adios. I'm not living through that shit again.

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now