I forgot the story was there, but he smiled

4 1 0

"I'm happy." Will he save us? The story sighed with a long sigh.

Original: "Drop us." "DROP US?" Tarina repeated.

Look at your beauty!

Original: Bring on the happy shadows!

As the story approached the ground, he said it was a black fish

Original: Tarina unleashed a colorful array of Trollish words as the ground drew closer and closer

Payments depend on "have a partner?" Want to talk about cutting silly hair here? He asked. "Is that right?" "We all know my hair is fine," she said.

Original: Fitz reeled on him. "You're on their side? Is that why you just sat there and talked about your stupid hair?" "Okay, first? We both know my hair is awesome," Keefe said with his hugest smirk yet."

All right. (A/N by Red Velvet is a bop by the way)

Original: OKAY," SOPHIE SAID, CLOSING HER eyes and taking a second to shove all matchmaking-related worries into another mental box marked Deal with Much, Much, Much, Much, Much Later.

Stein: They were not ashamed when they said that you should help me build my city now. «

Original: So did the fact that she didn't blush when Stina called out, "Snuggle later, Fitzphie! Right now I need you to help me set up the birthing area.

Santa pulled out his sword. "It's not a concern because I want to be there. Anyone who touches my side will die."

Original: Sandor drew his sword. "Something we'll never need to worry about, because I will be there. And anyone who touches my charge will end up dead."


Original: For a sparkly winged horse, Silveny gave a pretty awesome pep talk.

How does talking about your partner mean you want to talk about having weird hair? Where's correlation

Also how does a story sigh, smile and see?

It's a story, a thing people say and write books on not a animal or person that does those things...

And who knew Santa has so violent- 😂😂😂

Imagine going up to people and asking them to help you build a city

"Oh I was wondering if you could picture in a few thousand dollars and help me out so I can make a city. I know this is kind of a outlandish request but it's really important"

Me at everyone pretty much: "Look at your beauty!"

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now