Of course, there may be others at home, or you can kiss them and leave.

7 1 5

- Atlantic tree. Cats don't like cars. Sophie Alden looked so hungry for the smile that she couldn't break it. «

Original: "You brought us to Atlantis?" "Yes—and the cat did not enjoy the journey." Sophie had to smile at that, imagining Alden holding Marty's thrashing body while sliding down a gigantic whirlpool to the bottom of the ocean. No wonder his sleeves were shredded!"

Sophie loves to see her friend, loves language.

Original: Sophie glanced at her friends, glad to see shock in their expressions, as if they were all thinking, Who is this stranger and what has he done with Councillor Bronte?"

? ...

Original: "But what if my sister feels weird living with some strange guy she's never met? Especially since I don't remember Quinlin being very . . . cuddly." Gleeful laughter rang out behind her, and Sophie turned to find an elegant black female standing in the narrow arched doorway, clutching her sides as she cracked up.

, "" "," Bax "

Original: "OUCH," DEX MUMBLED, "you don't have to look that horrified."


Original: But I've liked you for years!" His face turned redder than she'd ever seen it when he realized what he'd just admitted. "Ugh—could this get any more embarrassing?"

Raj Ter Raushan Raushan Pari, Kuch Dekha Bhai & P.

Original: "Easy now," Keefe said, his lips curling with a faint grin as he sent another mental breeze. "We're supposed to be stopping the downpour, not adding to it—though it'd be fun to call you the Foster of Many Floods." 

"? ..." Perfectly encapsulates my feeling while reading this

I guess google translate was right when they said cat's don't like cars.. well at least mine definitely doesn't.

I have nothing else to say absolutely nothing makes since it's all a jumble of words 

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now