Coffee violence!!

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"What is your suspension? "Coffee woke up, he was interrogated and he wrote a secret about the golden dress." Do you know that I am not a member of the Security Council?"

Sophia closed her eyes. "This is an inside joke. London did it for me."

"Yes, it still violates fan rights. As punishment, we give you a T-shirt that says "Amlit is a wonderful thinker." I hope you grow as a bank."

I have nothing to say... I really don't know how Keefe turned into coffee, and how Tam's name went from Tam to London.

Anyway this was the original version:

Hang on – what are you wearing?" Keefe asked as she threw back her covers, revealing the sparkly slogans on her tunic. "Is that a Bangs Boy reference? Because you know I haven't let him into the Foster Fan Club, right?"   Sophie rolled her eyes. "It's an inside joke – and Linh made this for me."       "Yeah, well, it still breaks the fan club rules. As penance, I'm giving you a tunic that says, 'Empaths Give Me All the Feels," and I expect to see you wear it twice as much as Bang Boys.

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt