Don't be shy about Keefe's practices.

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Coffee shouted "Wow" several times, then shouted. 'Yes, I agree! Ah! What do you think you can do to succeed? "Is that good?" Sofia is no exception. "Very well," complained Kiev. - If he didn't stay, I would forget. Raj's neighbor may make the animal's teeth ugly. He took off his shoes and grass on the coffee. The boys said. What a happy history today! Each will be resolved. ""

Why did Keefe put his shoes, and grass (I'm not even going to question why he was grass) on coffee? Where did that coffee come from? Who is Raj, and how ugly is their neighbor? I feel like my authors notes are now just me asking random questions about whatever weird chapter I made that day. Here is the original quote before it was transformed: "Keefe mumbled "ow" several times before shouting, "YOU THINK YOU CAN HOLD M—" A loud RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP cut him off, and he shouted a bunch of words that would earn him a month of detention before a CRUNCH! left him silent. "Are you okay?" Sophie called. "I've been better," Keefe groaned. "Guess I forgot to brace for the fall." "He also forgot his pants," the blue-cloaked figure noted. A wave of snickers followed, and Sophie realized the whole school was hiding in the mist, watching them dangle like sides of beef at the butcher shop. Keefe's boot dangled with them, along with a shredded pair of black pants. "Oy, his boxers are covered in little banshees!" a kid shouted. "Bet he peed himself too," another said.

Also sorry if I already used this quote or if any others quotes I have done recently have been already used. Please tell me if I already used quotes.

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