Give to the weak.

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As soon as they climbed the mountain. "How are you?" As soon as he walked in the green yard, he shouted, "I'm tired of getting used to my legs."

"Here's your password! Scream at the end and throw the red triangle INT."

He fasted because he drank coffee. Then the guest bows. He held out his hand like a boomerang. "I have come to you, today I invite you to Foster."

" Yes, why? Ask for pizza?"

So yeah... no clue what INT, I looked I up, and it just said a boat load of sciency stuff I don't understand.. so if someone is smart unlike me, please tell me what INT is. This is the original:                                                                                                                                                                         "Bout time you got here," Keefe called as they crested a hill and entered a grassy meadow peppered with tiny blue flowers. "I was getting tired of stomping Fitz to a pulp in bramble."  "Only because you cheat!" Fitz shouted, tossing a red tri-pointed ball at Keefe.  Keefe caught it and whipped it back so fast Fitz had to dive to avoid being smacked in the face. Then the strange ball curved back like a boomerang and Keefe caught it one-handed. "Only losers play fair. Which is why I call Foster for my team today."  "Hey—why do you get her?" Fitz asked," 

Also I post on this story almost everyday.

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now