Make a hole in the fire.

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- Well, hold your finger, it won't be good as an adult, it's good (A/N wtf-)

 Original: "Uh-oh. You just wrung your fingers," Sophie noted. "Nothing good ever happens when adults do that." Elwin snorted. "She has a point."

"Tell me, I have four guards. Adrian nodded." the film 

Original: "Please tell me I'm not going to be stuck with four bodyguards." Edaline shook her head. "Five."

 Is this a better solution than your plan? Don't hesitate to ask Tinker Desi. It's just interesting. But Dick didn't see her until he gave up. There was an unpleasant odor in the voice: noise. "Is it too competitive?" Search Customer ID And Sophie focused, but Dick didn't answer. 

Original: "Is this a better solution than what you were planning?" Tinker asked Dex, with no bravado in her tone. Only curiosity. But Dex still wouldn't look at her as he nodded. And his sigh was somewhere between a grumble and a harrumph. "You have a competitive streak, don't you?" Tinker noted. Sophie and Mr. Forkle both said "yes" while Dex said "no."

But Lynn is the liberator of Atlantis. This changes because blood pressure is not always good. Now I think 

Original: But so did the way Linh carried herself ever since she'd saved Atlantis. She was no longer the shy, quiet girl fighting a constant battle against her power. Now she moved with a confidence that looked a whole lot like swagger

"I'm not afraid of what's wrong inside of me. As a kid, I'm scared and nervous.", "Life." "If you don't know what to do, you won't do it." If you do not know what you are doing, you will not. "Nothing serious. Holy. I do not know. " 

Original: "Tell us as little or as much as you like. But if you need us, we're a safe space." "Except when it comes to boy stuff," Grady added. "That we want to know." Sophie groaned. Edaline laughed, leaning in to kiss her cheek. "Now that we've sufficiently embarrassed you, I think it's time to let you rest. If you need anything, you know where to find us."

"Do you want to go?" . . "I don't know if I can say 'I don't know', and I don't know what to do." . "" (A/N google translate is just begging for a Kpop reference and I shall give them one. Don't know what to do without you~ DU do DU do yeah yeah yeah) Ib. 

Original: "What do you see?" Mr. Forkle asked. Sophie's eyes narrowed. "I'm assuming you're looking for a better answer than 'a bunch of cities.' " Flori giggled. Sandor and Bo snorted. Mr. Forkle grumbled something under his breath that started with "You kids."

Ok so, how does a voice smell- 

Like obvious people's breaths smells but people's voices?

 And their voice smells like noise which I didn't know what a smell personally. 

And apparently  having a voice that smells like sound waves also makes you more competitive. 

Don't ask me ask google translate, our superior counterpart, obviously.

 I also now really want to see someone make a hole in fire. 

Like are they going to pull a Moses and part the fire with their hands? 

I'm very intrigued 

I love this google translate persons said they didn't know if they should say Idk and then proceeded to say idk 3 times in 1 sentence. 

The amount of contradiction in this chapter is immaculately

 Kid as I am going to call them said they weren't scared of what was inside fo them (I imagined a demon spider thing crawling inside of them and just now I imagined a watermelon seed in their stomach.), and then said "as a kid, I'm scared and nervous." 

How is blood pressure not good in some situations.. Well I guess if your trying to be damage your heart and brain, and start fainting a crap ton it's not as helpful. 

Also Linh's now the liberator of Atlantis so woo hoo girlie! (She's one of my favorite characters along with Tam, Biana and Marcella and I guess.. keefe.?) 👏👏👏

(Just realized poor Dex's name was changed to Dick- 😭)

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