You can learn the techniques of victory

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Location is important

Original: Candy is essential (A/N I love this quote I might even put it in my bio or smthn)

Tia Guna says "I do not know what is happening now,"

Original: "I don't even know what 'Fitzphie' is supposed to mean," Tiergan noted.

Despite the difficulties, he fought with all his might. - Or maybe it hurts. It is very difficult to teach children

Original: In every photo her face looked scrunched with concentration, like she was trying to make sense of the world. Or maybe she'd been pooping. With babies, it was hard to tell

We are happy with your decision

Original: Our choices define us

My mother prepared all the time. Do it now " If there is metal

Original: "Amy hugged her tighter. "Does that mean I can keep you?""Only if I can keep you." 

Why do I feel like we've had a quote that also translated to location is important or somehting like that before or am I just hallucinating?

What did your mom prepare you for and why do you only do it if there's metal?

But actually google translate had some pretty relatable quotes in here like:

'It is very difficult to teach children'

And '"I do not know what is happening now,"

Also why is this babysitter/ teacher/parent person fighting their children that they are taking care of?

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now