Oak should be treated with small wings.

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Alden Young brings a special bottle of the "hard" enzyme. - Yes, if anyone knows. Cover the bottle on top.

Original: Alden handed her a bottle of Youth—the special water that elves drank for its unique enzymes. "You must be thirsty." "Yeah, that happens when someone drugs you." She was tempted to dump the bottle over his head.

Sophie often talks about it.

Original: Sophie really hated that he'd made a good point.

Turn left. He rejoiced when joy and ashes seemed empty.

Original:  Mr. Forkle arrived at Havenfield with a handprint-shaped blotch on his left cheek, and Grizel seemed mighty pleased with herself when she strolled in behind him.

Men remember that they sold bicycles.

Original: Remember who your enemy is—really remember.

The most important thing for a child.

Original: Is a day any less worth living simply because you're not going to remember it?

I understand that joy could I guess be empty but how can ashes be empty? Did this guy dump the ashes of a person or animal out of a container and then forget he did it? Then how did he know to check it? And the most important question why is he so happy about this?

What is the most important thing for a child? A video game? A tv? Food? Sleep? Water? Wifi?

And what does Sophie talk about so often? I need to know.

And what does the "hard" enzyme do? Because my mind went in the gutter reading that for some reason.

I need help.

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