Picatin seems to be good

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What is our scheme? Say: Wait for your foot to fall and wait for you to walk.

Original: "So then, what's our plan?" Ro asked. "Stand here until our feet go numb and hope she comes out of hiding? Booooooooooooooring. And how are you going to capture her, by the way? I'm guessing you don't want a massive tackle-brawl in the street. Want me to pelt her with daggers? That could be fun!"

During the storm, Celing Limited had a beautiful pingzol. Write about this company and company information.

Original: With that resolve fueling her, she grabbed the blue wind and tugged, shaping it into feathers--gorgeous cerulean wings that fluttered at the slightest wisp of thought and shimmered in the darkness."

- But it will always be now. The same question in the message says:

Original: "Though, are you sure that's a good idea? She already escaped once." "After thousands of years," Tam argued. "Still seems like a problem Future You isn't going to want to deal with," Ro noted."

I think so

Original: I think

By the way, energy energy.

Original: When it still wasn't enough, she dug deeper, reaching into her heart and tapping into that raw emotional well, where everything burned with a new kind of heat. It seared every thought as she gathered up the force of it, erupting into sparks as she blasted it into [his] consciousness--and the blue wind fanned the sparks into flames.

Original: "You think that's her plan?" Sophie interrupted. "Seems pretty obvious after that long, boring speech about ruthlessness,"

In what way In some way

Original: "And by 'piquatine,' you mean . . . the stuff that melts off skin," Sophie confirmed. "Coooooooooooooooool," Ro breathed when Elwin nodded. "Can I watch?"

First one of quotes is the same as the title and now one of the quotes just died?

Google translate is being even weirder then usual 

Also what is this P.E why is google translate saying 'By the way, energy energy.'

Why do you always leave us on cliffhangers google translate? What does the question in the message say? I need to know google translate.

I looked up pingzol and a town called Pinzol in Italy popped up. Why did this ceiling company have it? How do you have a city? Do you have to own it or do you have to be a giant and carry it? Is this Celing Limited run by giants?

What the actual fuck does "Wait for your foot to fall and wait for you to walk." mean?

And why am I talking like google translate is a human being?

(Sorry I didn't post yesterday my charger decided to die on me along with every other charger in my house, also this is chapter 127 so yay!)

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now