The son is crying

7 0 3

"Yes, these people have the opportunity to care for others," Marella said of Letto del Pida. "The text before I apologized last year," he said.

Original: "Uh, it's not like the other path is any safer." Marella pointed to the red splatters around their feet. "The girl has a point," Ro admitted

The students must have been stubborn, but they decided to meet Sophie, day and night.

Original: In fact, the generally surly Councillor had smiled so much throughout the course of the afternoon that Sophie wondered if his cheek muscles would be sore the next day.

Kim B. You can't fix the same ... there's a lot of Hero space below

Original: I know it still hurts. And I can't change that. But just...know that whatever happens, it's going to be survivable--and never stop hoping for the happy ending. Sometimes you get one you don't expect. I'll definitely be fighting for it with everything I have.

"W" k "" l g n b n q | q |

Original: Fitz could've meant dozens of things when he'd leaned in and suggested they "skip the talking."

Regia Churkel kills squirrels from time to time and kills the Sahara

Original: long second passed before Mr. Forkle sighed. "I suppose . . . whatever's down there . . . we'll have to own up to it eventually. But—

The Lord said, "Speak - to live - to walk," said the Lord. If so, sing now.

Original: And I'm not leaving Linh alone in Atlantis—and don't roll your eyes," he told his sister. "I know—you have amazing control now.

They say they do not share the profits, of the same type.

Original: I figured if someone didn't come over to distract you, you'd have no eyelashes left by tonight.

So they were stalking Sophie?

Is the son some sort of sacrificial thing 

Idk 'THE SON' just sounds kinda creepy

Is this Regia Churkel part of this cult that is sacrificing sons? Do they kill squirrels? Do they bow down to some sort of acorn god that wants them to kill squirrels? Did that son have some sort of meeting with a squirrel?    

Was the lord in the quote the acorn lord?

Also sorry if that I said is kind of weird or worrying I wrote this at 11 pm so I wasn't really at my prime stage where I am completely sane I promise you I am fully sane even though it might not seem like it (well that least I hope I'm sane).

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