As One Person Pranatikalaayakaliyalostam Tanthayah

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- Anna. You do not want to talk? Singingoy received the award. I hope there is a platelet count:

Original: "You should take it. Or if you don't want it, you should give it to me!" Sophie snatched the vial out of his reach. "I think you've had enough."

This is a big problem for me. News

Original: Well, it's good you're used to that, since the Coaches don't like you either. You ruined the Arch of Dividing.

Quadrigis was registered in England with Dukit. Winter is hard for me

Original: "Actually, I'd rather bunk with Keefe." Alvar turned to the group and whispered, "Fitz is a cuddler"

-K-Fi does not work. - How can we change? Question. Lightning, fight, etc.

Original: "We can be Keefex!" "Why not Deefe?" Dex asked. "Because Deefe sounds lame."

Vigensp wrote "no".

Original: "Nope," Fitz told her. "You've almost died enough times. Time to let me take a turn." "Or you could just be careful," Sophie said. He flashed his perfect smile. "That works too."

SH Regambavan Val Shonon Namajjakanam ( A/N when I was writing this the last translate quote and the title mixed together so this is not a completely accurate translation)

Original: "Well, that looks fun," Keefe said, pushing Fitz forward. "Lead the way, buddy!"

Again it started off kind off normal then went to strange.

How did Singingoy get a award for saying seven not impressive words?

How can you fix or change something with lighting or fighting? You going to kill everyone in your path that doesn't agree with your ship name? It makes no sense.

And I'm not going to even talk about how weird the second to last and last quotes are.

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now