I had no idea it was Kimo Emo

11 2 5

"I think we can be difficult," he said, looking at each photo. Yes, I will send it to Emma Brennaf's work. Drink well. Play Hmm, that's so bad How did you know that? If you don't want to be there, can the company offer you? "Do you know the brain exactly?" Clean up Swami with me. Please check if you can. Ability to speak "You're jealous," he laughed.

I didn't now Keefe was a mop, or that Keefe and Fitz were named Emma Brennaf. How much of this information did Shannon leave out of the books? Here is the original quote (sorry this chapters so short): "I do think they might be onto something with the code names," Keefe said as she searched all the shadows. "In fact, after I swear fealty I should have you all call me Emo. Fitz can be Brainwave. Biana and Della can be Blink and Wink. Dex, you're Gears. And Foster? Hmm. That's tricky. . . . Maybe Enigma? Unless you want to be Cognate—or is Fitz the only one allowed to call you that?" Sophie sighed. "You do realize you basically agreed to merge your brain with his, right?" he pressed. "You'll be Fitzphie! Or Sophitz! Personally I'd go with Sophitz. Better make it clear you're the boss." "You're just jealous," Fitz said with his best attempt at a smirk.

Kimo Emo

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz