Good teeth, Satan

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"Erke, March." I'm begging. " Hefndertlun Amu Soru. -

Original: "Come on, kiddo," Grady said, shaking bits of dried fruit out of his hair and hooking his arm around her. "Let's get you inside—oh, and let's not mention how long you've been home, okay? If Edaline finds out I didn't bring you straight in to see her, she's going to conjure up a pile of mastodon droppings and plop them on my head." He was teasing, of course. But Edaline actually had threatened a manure attack once—and she was definitely a talented enough Conjurer to make it happen.

. Dial in Fick that Agora doesn't need a friend. "Yes a long line, "he said." Wait, police," Keefe said, "but there's no fist in Sofia's bondage." (A/N wtf, just looked that up and looked at pictures. I regret that a lot.)

Original: plotting revenge

Thank you for sending her care.  (A/N I thought this said "searching for her cane for some reason and I was 

Original: His smile faded. "Yeah. He said Fitz was going to need a friend today." "He said a lot more than that," Ro muttered. "Relax, Foster," Keefe said, shooting Ro a glare before he pointed to the crease that had formed between Sophie's eyebrows. "No need to get all crinkly on me."

"Kiff..... shout ,;" What a "passive medium". "Affected locations with this output". "I think this is my problem".

 Original: We should call this one Sophitz, since—let's face it—Foster's the real talent when it comes to this kind of thing." Fitz didn't argue, but Sophie sighed. "Keefe—" "Hear that, Ro?" he interrupted. "She's giving me her serious voice." "And that pout she does, with the big eyes and the little crease between her eyebrows," Ro noted. "She's definitely figured out how to use her cuteness against you."

Kiff laughs. "Maybe you're still alive when you're in trouble. Did I say that? Sophie smiled again.'

Original: Keefe grinned. "You're so adorable when you worry. I've told you that, right?" Sophie gave him her best glare, and his smile only widened."

Some of them stay: Just listen: It can be frustrating for people who want to know what they're doing. 

Original: Part of me still wants to tell her, I'M ONLY FIFTEEN—CAN YOU PLEASE DUMP THIS HUGE RESPONSIBILITY ON SOMEONE WHO ACTUALLY KNOWS WHAT THEY'RE DOING?" (A/N capital really make everything seem so loud)

There are layers of clothes full of extra clothes and baskets - Hey, bring me some food! said Kiff. In fact Adeline."

Original: He pointed to a blanket a few feet away, piled with pillows and overstuffed baskets. "Aw, you brought snacks!" Keefe said. Actually, that was Edaline. (A/N no one has to know.)

Ah yes the most passive of actives, shouting . 

It's pretty annoying though when you go into a public space and you just hear so many people screaming at the top of their lungs, it used to be okay but now since it's so popular screaming has just become bothersome. 

And well apparently other people agree that it's annoying since it seems that people were affected (they probably were turned deaf). 

Agora: the embodiment of the "I don't need friends they disapoint me" meme.

Also the fucking title-

Lol 😂😭

This title has to be my favorite along with that one title about hippies and climate change (just found it "All I can say is that hippies are panicking and climate change is grow." (Was meant to be growing but the title was to long)

I feel like it would be possible to fit a basket of cloths inside a piece of clothing if the clothing was really stretchy, and of course not the size of a sock, or the basket was small, but like why? Why not just put the piece of clothing covering everything in the basket with the other clothing?

I can't believe this is what I'm wasting my brain power on.

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