James Ames, Cole Logan Sport - Hail, "Sorry, I hate you

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"If you do, you'll feel like you're singing," Fitz said. "I think the house was flat." "You have to be happy":

Original: "You should've heard him squeal when it worked," Fitz said. "I thought a banshee had snuck into the room." "Ignore my son," Della told Dex. "You deserve to be excited."

Marmar Paramban is a big annual event. "Do you have Sophie?" "Did you forget you don't remember?" Fitz asked.

Original: Granite nodded. "You each have pins to reflect your abilities." "So Sophie's going to have four?" Fitz asked. "Won't that kind of ruin her anonymity?"

The floors and houses are separate from each other and can serve as another "ideal".

Original: The floor of his room was strewn with gadgets and tools and things that could only be described as "doodads.

Weeps for her hat and skirt.

Original: She threw back her hood and pulled off her mask, not missing the way they gawked at her eyes.

"I was told I'm sorry, '' Sophie said.

Original: "I told him I'm sorry for hating him so much." "Oh," Sophie said. "That must've been awkward."

Who cries because of a skirt? I want to know? It's just a uncomfortable piece of clothing...

I will never understand google translate

But remember according to google translate you have to be happy all the time even when something terrible happens. 

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now