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"Stop. Replace the truck KV Aloan. Advice and medication will give you time to accept the pain. They would kill you and make you a terrible prisoner, and the yard will take you back to jail." It doesn't work, '' said Wasser Albury. You have to show that I did the right thing by opening the door.



Here is the original quote-

"Hang on," Keefe interrupted, turning to Alvar. "You seriously allowed them to erase your memories, torture you, drug you, abandon you, almost kill you—and let you rot for months in a miserable prison cell—all in hopes that the Council would move you back to Everglen so you could . . . open a gate?" "It was not about the task," Vespera answered for Alvar. "It was about proving his value." "By opening a gate," Keefe insisted. "That's . . . the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life." Sophie had to agree.

Also what the heck is the title of this chapter-

"The Fitzphie pizzazz, Sophie repeated, There's no such thing.

Not what that attitude, there isn't! Keefe told her."

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