I don't know if I want to play gold or 5 rolls.

4 0 3

Collins, Cecil and Ryan in Atlanta. At work. You can't go there.

Original: "I want to remember Havenfield and Atlantis, and Quinlin and Livvy, and Silveny and Greyfell and everyone else, and—" "Especially me?" Keefe couldn't resist jumping in.

Do you want to appeal to all vest systems?

Original: I want to know that I have a super-amazing sister out there who's way too cool for me

About the coffee you crush in that detail

Original: And Sandor stood beside him, for once not looking annoyed by Keefe's existence.

"What if it's red?" Where are you going?

Original: "Any chance I can be part of the big awakening? And maybe borrow your Sucker Punch while I'm there?" "Only after I get the first shot," Fitz said behind her.

No choice of life. They touched us a little.

Original: Life is a series of hard choices, Miss Foster. The most we can do is face them one at a time.


Original: You kids are going to make me cry

Sorry that I didn't post yesterday for some reason wattpad wouldn't save so I couldn't post, anyway.. how do you crush coffee and detail?

Why are Collins, Cecil and Ryan so fearsome?

Why is the colorful red bad?

How do you appeal to vest systems? Do you just wear vests all the time?

I know this is a little dark but is 'No choice of life. They touched us a little.' about some sort of raping? Because if so google translate why did you have to go so morbid? Why what was the point?

These are the questions I ask this fine day

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now