How do you like coffee or do you want to change your bottle?

7 2 1

Consider the strength of the leaves.

Original: Never underestimate the power of the page.

Everyone needs help.

Original: All it takes is one to stand where others fall.

Take a look at the list of the best things we can do today.

Original: Let's not add projectile vomiting to the list of Awesome Things We Get To Do Today.

It's just a learning experience.

Original: Sometimes rebellion is the only course of wisdom.

Sometimes it comes from kindness.

Original: Sometimes the greatest power comes from showing mercy

"Do you know?" Symptoms of arthritis symptoms - left magic ball.

Original: "Chaperone?' Keefe whined. 'That's going to cramp my style."

Why are the first and last translated quotes the only ones that don't sound like some teacher said them-

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now