Yes, this is Alvin's favorite language.

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Liv Charata. "I used three chapters to make the analysis accurate." Fitz and Sophie warned: "If you don't need a new pharmacy, then Fitz is powerful." "Don't be afraid, whale." Levy said, handing Alvin a chair. . "I still wear jewelry." Her hair is very clean. Do you remember Fitz? If that is not the case.

So I guess Fitz hates it when people don't use new pharmacy's.... strange. Also how much does Sophie not care about Fitz that she completely forgot about him- Here's the original quote: Livvy nodded. "Took me three stops to find all the right feces." "They better not be for our new medicines," Fitz warned, and Sophie definitely echoed that sentiment. "Don't worry—they only go in the topical stuff," Livvy promised, handing her satchel to Elwin. "Though I did also bring congealed selkie skin. And hollowthistles—remember those, Fitz?" The tinge of green to Fitz's skin made it clear that he absolutely remembered them—and the week of misery he'd endured, thanks to hollowthistle tea. "Relax," Elwin told them. "It won't be as bad as you're thinking." Translation: It definitely would be bad.

Also I think I may have done this already sorry-

And another also, I just found a random translated quote that I did like a month ago so here it is:

Ah, he knows - the letter bothered me. But wait, should I go to school? Solution. If I had to mention more fairies, I would regret it too. "Slowly, I spent most of my time getting in and out of jail," Kifi said and he smiled. Like you, I love myself. "

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now