The oven is modern and beautiful.

11 2 3

"It's the worst thing of my life," Fitts said honestly.

Original: "That might be the saddest thing I've ever heard," Fitz said quietly.

You will not be able to control the actions of others. Anger and pain can only be used with confidence. "go away"

Original: We cannot control the actions of others, nor stop them from disappointing us. We can only use the anger and pain to fuel us. To rise above.

Everything is fine in this world.

Original: Everyone has potential for both good and bad.

Read Harry Sophie's mustache and sing simple songs.

Original: He turned and did some sort of wiggly dance until Sophie tossed a pillow at his head.

"Everything is fine in this world." is what I say when I'm having a panic attack.

How can you only be mad or in pain if your confident?

So if I fall on my face and break my arm while being depressed or having slow self esteem it will not hurt?

"Read Harry Sophie's mustache and sing simple songs." I-

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